If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

How many of Kazakhs were there 200 years ago?

How many of Kazakhs were there 200 years ago? - e-history.kz
There was not much information about the number of Kazakhs in early XIX century, so we are interested in the Note of Orenburg governor duke G.Volkonsky about the number of Kazakhs

Volkonsky dynasty came from the Saint duke Mikhail VsevolodovichChernigovsky, descendant of Rurik dynasty, tortured to death in Orda in 1246. Volkonskys served as governors, attendants, ambassadors at the royal court, duke FedorFedorovich received the nobility in 1650. Father, duke Semen Fedorovich (1703-1768), took part in the Seven Years' War, was promoted to the rank of General-in-Chief. Gregory SemenovichVolkonsky (25 January 1742 - 17 June 1824) - participant of 1 and 2 Russian-Turkish wars. He was awarded numerous awards.

In July, 1803 Alexander I appointed duke Volkonsky, general of cavalry,Orenburg military governor. This Volkonsky became inspector of Orenburg inspection, in addition, he was charged with the responsibility of management OF the civil part in Orenburg province.

In 1804-1805 the military governor twice inspected Orenburg province and the troops entrusted to him. During his activity asOrenburg military governor, duke Volkonsky compiled "Recordabout the number of the Kyrgyzsfrom 3 Ordas, with an indication of their dynasty and trade". The source was an attempt to find out the number of dynasty, groups, the Kazakh families of all Ordas, and trade relations with the neighboring nations.

"About the Kirghiz-Kaysaks generally divided in the Big, Middle and Small Ordas".

The List of the number of the Kyrgyzsfrom 3 Ordas with their dynasty and  trade presented by Orenburg military governor duke Volkonsky "About the Kyrgyz-Kaysaks usually divided into the big, middle and small ordas"information of the generic part of the Kazakhs, the number of branches and families, their sultans and foremen as of 1805 is of great interest.

The spelling of the document was retained.

The Kazakhs of the Big Orda (Zhuz).

Dulatovs dynasty in 4 groups to 40 000 families, manages Adil Sultan named Khan with special elders.

Sergalins dynasty in 5 groups to 20 000 families, manages Sultan Irali Bukeyev with elders.

Sary Usun dzhalairs dynasty in 2 groups to 70 000 families, manages foreman Sary Batyr with helpers.

Kanly manages Auzhi Mamet Batyr.

The Middle Orda.

Naimans 35 000 families manages Sultan Khan Baba awarded “van” title and the compensation from Chinese court.

Argyns 30 000 families, manages Tilyancha bi, Chun bi, Ibaydali bi, above them sultans Bukei and Ibuni.

Taraktins dynasty to 4 000 families, manages Bakguzybatyr with helpers.

Naimans of Kongrats dynasty to 15 000 families, manages Kulyan bi, Talkanbatyr, Dzhanbai bi, sultan AichuvakIshimov.

Argins dynasty 9000 families, manages beyBakul and Karamenda.

Argins in 2 groups to 11 000 families, manages Khan Vali Ablaev and foremen Kulbek, Bayzhigit, Akanbi, Chavykilbatyr.

ArginsKandzhigali to 2000 families, manages sultan Kaip Khan.

Kipchaks 1000 families, manages foreman Tyulegenbatyr.

Kireys to 1000 families, manages foremen Tungichi and BekbolatBikbop.

Kipchaks dynasty in 4 groups to 3000 families, manages foremen Nametek and Shimurat.

Tenibuga-kipchaks dynasty in 6 groups 2000 families, manages foremen Cholpan and Tolegin.

Kundelyan-kipchaks dynasty in 4 groups 2000 families, manages foremen Tashtemir, Konakbay, and Sultan Zhangir.

Kireys dynasty in 4 groups 4000 families, manages Balykbayidain, sultan IstyakRustem.

ChikchakArgyns dynasty in 5 groups 6000 families, manages batyrs Musa, Menlibay and sultan Zhuma.

TaryAigyrKipchaks in 4 groups 3500 families, manages Iserap bi, Kazybay bi, Kiikbaybatyr, sultan UsyanKaipov.

UzunKipchaks dynasty in 6 groups 2000 families, manages Mangdaybatyr and dervish.

BagynaliNaimans in 12 groups 6000 families manages Trukhmen bi, Tulakbatyr, sultan Toktamyshbatyr.

Naimans in 4 groups 4000 families manages Utyamyshbatyr.

Tubukly argyns in 2 groups 2000 families, manages Maman bi, Zhanbai bi, sultan Kieralibatyr Khan.

In 100 groups of the Middle Orda to 159400 families.

In the Small Orda to 165700 families (in the Big Orda- 69900 families).

In 3 Ordas 395000 families, population 1 million 200 thousand.

Consequently, according to duke Volkonsky, total number of the Kazakhs was more than 1 million 200 thousand. But it should be noted that this information is quite subjective, and we need to study the problem of number of the Kazakhs in different stages of its development in modern research works.


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