If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Spiritual accord – foundation of stability

Spiritual accord – foundation of stability - e-history.kz
October 18, 1992, in Almaty passed the First World Congress of spiritual accord by initiation of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan

One of the main achievements of the 25 th anniversary of Independent Kazakhstan is stability, which is based on interethnic and interreligious agreement in modern society of Kazakhstan. Twenty four years ago it was the first time when Kazakhstan brought together representatives of all religions, spiritual organizations, scientists and social activists who weren’t indifferent to spiritual problems.


It wasn’t just occasion that Congress passed on October 18. In 1893 the attempt to convene such conference was taken in Chicago (USA).

The participants of congress took a manifest, in which they attempted to declare 18 October the Day of spiritual accord – the day of moratorium to conflicts and collision, the day of charity and help to neighbors. 

Since that time Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of spiritual agreement on October 18.

The representatives of more than 130 ethnic groups and 17 denominations live in Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan created unique model of interethnic and interreligious agreement, which is recognized by international experts. Today many countries learn Kazakhstan’s way in keeping the interethnic and interreligious agreement. International organizations support all initiatives of Kazakhstan which aim to consolidate the peace.

Unfortunately, the modern society is subject to multitude risks, which carry definite conflict potential, subtly have an impact on destabilization of national and social arrangement owing to social, ethnic and religious conflicts. The Spiritual agreement problem become the priority for many countries. In this situation Kazakhstan demonstrates stability which is based on nation unity. The tolerance and unity of the ethnic groups which living in the country, helped to Kazakhstan citizens to endure difficult times of formation of sovereignty and continue to be big adjunct in development of the country.

Kazakhstan aims to preserve stability not only in Eurasian space, but also advances initiative of global constructive dialogue among representatives of religions of the entire world. The bright example of such success became the conduct of five Congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015). Their activities had no such precedents before. The initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has received general acceptance. The Congress participants came to decision that dialogue is the form of spiritual communication which corresponds to the principles of each religion. 


Kazakhstan’s experience proves that constructive dialogue and mutual understanding can become the platform for spiritual consolidation of people, return them to those eternal values which were temporarily lost or forgotten.

Kazakhstan declared freedom of religion and everyone has an opportunity to choose its own religion. But the main task - it should not disable psychologically, ruin people`s lives, turn them to against public policy.

Currently, the religious situation is being characterized not only with the steady growth of religious communities, but also with increased activity of religious groups. At the same time their activities are ambivalent. Despite the variety of religious movements, the risk of inter-confessional conflict in Kazakhstan is not eliminated. Therefore, the main task of Kazakhstan's internal policy is not only the preservation and strengthening of interreligious harmony, religious tolerance, interfaith dialogue, but also it is the prevention of religious extremism.