If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

From history of presidential elections

From history of presidential elections - e-history.kz
The election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan takes an important place in general electoral system of Kazakhstan.

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1995 secured five-year term presidency. However, on 7 October 1998, the Parliament of RK adopted the Law of RK ‘On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 1995’, according to which the President’s term was set for seven years. 

 On 8 October 1998, the Decree of Mazhilis ‘On elections of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ was adopted. 

 The term of office of the President N.A.Nazarbayev was extended until the inauguration of the new President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, elected on presidential elections, which was appointed by the Parliament of Kazakhstan on 10 January 1999. 

On 10 January 1999, early presidential elections were held. 

 According CEC RK, S. A. Abdildin polled 857 386 votes, or 11,70 % of the votes; E. G. Gabbasov — 55 708 votes, or 0.76 %; G. E. Kasymov — 337 794 votes, or 4,61 %; N.Nazarbayev — 5 846 817 votes, or 79.78 % of votes. 

N.A.Nazarbayev was elected the President of the Republic on the first alternative elections in the history of sovereign Kazakhstan. 

 In accordance with articles 12, 66 of the Decree of President RK, having the force of constitutional law ‘On elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan’, Central Election Committee registered N.A.Nazarbayev the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

 On 20 January 1999, the inauguration ceremony of the President N.A.Nazarbayev was held. 

 A responsible decision on holding elections was adopted by Kazakhstan state elite to get ahead of some internal and external factors prevailed by the end of 1990s. 

 In general, early presidential elections in January 1999 allowed preservation of stability and positive trends in the development of Kazakhstan.
