If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

5 October – 73 years to the largest university of South Kazakhstan

 5 October – 73 years to the largest university of South Kazakhstan  - e-history.kz
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was formed in 1943.

One of the most famous higher educational institutions of the republic, which bears a famous name – M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was established during the war. 

 19 June 1943, Technology Institute of Building Materials was formed in Chimkent by the Decree of the Council of People’s Commissars. New industrial enterprises in dire need of qualified staff were built during the war on the basis of evacuated factories from European part of Russia. 150 people were admitted to two faculties ‘Technology of silicates’ and ‘Extraction and exploitation of non-metallic minerals’ in 1943-1944 academic year. Departments of Social Sciences, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanics, Graphics, Crystallography and Mineralogy were opened. 18 teachers, including 2 professors and 5 associate professors taught students. Several specialists were sent by People’s Commissariat of Building materials of the USSR.

 In 1957, the University renamed as Kazakh Technological Institute. In 1964, education institution acquired a new name and became known as Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute. 

By 1996, Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute had enough human and scientific resources, improved modern material and technical base and passed state certification. It allowed University to obtain the status of technical university in March 1998. 

 Thus, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University was established by merging South Kazakhstan Technical University founded in 1943 and M.Auezov South Kazakhstan Humanitarian University founded in 1968. 


The University trains specialists for all sectors of economy, science and culture of the republic. 

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University is one of the most prominent brands in the sphere of higher education of the republic. Over 1500 teachers including 4 academicians of NAS RK, 4 academicians of NEA RK, 123 PhD, 600 Candidates of Sciences are involved in academic process at University. Best scientists and specialists with practical experience, leading scientists from countries of far and near abroad are attracted to academic process.

 In 2005, Career and Marketing Center was formed on the basis of employment sector, it is engaged in promoting employment of University graduates on the basis of close cooperation with enterprises and organizations, marketing research of the labor market and educational service market. 


The regional engineering laboratory of construction and biochemical materials was established at University, the most modern laboratory installations for oil distillation, specification of the fractional composition of crude oil, corresponding to European standards were purchased. Some installations have no analogues in Kazakhstan, so the precise fractionation device was awarded at International exhibition ‘Education-2007’. 

 The University created educational-scientific complexes jointly with the leading enterprises of the region, such as ‘Interkomshina’ JCS, ‘Shymkentcement’ JCS, ‘Kazphosphate’ LLC, ‘PetroKazakhstan’ JCS, ‘Melange’ JCS, ‘South-Western Agricultural Center’. Training of students at educational-scientific complex is fundamentally different from adopted learning principles. 

 Academic process is organized so that a student realizes the main part of practical training in the real work of production during the learning of practical part of subjects of educational program. Modern technologies of education were implemented in academic process: credit system, case-technology, interactive and innovative teaching methods. 


 In February 2012, Zhumakhan Myrkhalykov was appointed a rector of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University by the Order of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In September 2016, academician of NEA RK Zh.U.Myrkhalykov was awarded a certificate of University-winner of the World Ranking of the best universities-2016 conducted by QS - recognized agency of Great Britain in the framework of Global Hub program of the UN ‘Academic impact’. In 2016, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University rose to 620 place of the World Ranking, improving its position for 120 points. M.Auezov SKSU entered top-5 universities of Kazakhstan. 


Used materials: 

 1) M.Auezov SKSU website www.ukgu.kz/; 

 2) F.Sharafutdinov, ‘Chimkent v gody Velikoi Otechetsvennoy…’ http://otyrar.kz/2015/03/chimkent-v-gody-velikoj-otechestvennoj/?_utl_t=fb
