Each photo is a destiny of a certain person. Depicted in pictures "Alash’s sons" have a good-natured appearance, on a face of each of them as if is written: "Innocent". Uncountable interrogations during the investigation could not break their will. In this article there are words that were said by members of Alash Horde. These words are quotes and message to future descendants.
Bolsheviks were afraid of Alikhan Bukeykhanov’s authority among the people therefore they sent him from Kazakh SSR to Moscow.
From 1920 to 1930 he was arrested three times by organization of People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs known as NKVD. In 1937 he was convicted for being part of "the terrorist organization" and on the say day was shot.
By the resolution of the Supreme Court of the USSR of May 14, 1989, Bukeykhanov was acquitted for absence of crime in his actions. According to S. Zhusip, the researcher of Alikhan Bukeykhanov’s life, the last words said by him were: "I did not like the Soviet power, but I recognized it"!
Akhmet Baytursynov, in 1929 was noticed by NKVD and condemned for 10 years term in concentration camp. However, the measure of restraint was changed and he was sentenced to exile and sent to the northern region — the Arkhangelsk region.
In 1934 Akhmet Baytursynov returned from exile. And 3 years later, on October 8, 1937 he was arrested again, having recognized as "the enemy of the people". Two months later, on December 8 of the same year he was shot.
The last words of Akhmet Baytursynov were: "Nobody writes literature out of pride, creativity depends on character and subordinated to requirements of the nation..." It is easy to notice that his quote is conformable with Alikhan Bukeykhanov’s words: "The service of the nation depends not on education, but on character".
Zhakhansha Dosmukhamedov in 1930 was transferred to service to Moscow, in October of the same year he was arrested, and in 1932 was sent into exile to Voronezh for 5 years. In 1938 he was arrested again, by the decision of NKVD he was sentenced to execution. On August 3, 1938 the sentence was carried out. He was acquitted on February 28, 1958, after Stalinism consequences were destroyed.
Unfortunately, Dosmukhamedov’s covenant did not remain.
Temirbek Zhurgenov was nominated as candidate for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1937, but on August 3 of the same year, he was captured and accused as an "enemy of the people". In accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 of the Criminal Code RKFSR (enemy of the people) he was sentenced to death.
He was acquitted completely according to the decision of Military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR of April 18, 1957.
On July 26, 1938 the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs in Voronezh in Russia where was with a family in exile was arrested. After that it was delivered to Moscow, later in Almaty. On April 24, 1939 the military court sentenced it to execution, and on August 19 the same year died of tuberculosis of lungs in prison hospital. Its case was reconsidered only on February 28, 1958 by Board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the USSR and Dosmukhamedov was acquitted.
When in 1938 he was captured he left to his children following covenant: "Do not wait for me. Move".
Sanzhar Asfendiyarov was imprisoned People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs from August, 1937 to February 25, 1938. His last words of the public are unknown. His wife Rabiga also spent five years in Karlag.
Sanzhar Asfendiyarov was acquitted on May 26, 1958.
Nazir Torekulov was arrested on July 17, 1937. In November of the same year, he was accused of propaganda of Turkism and recognized as "the enemy of the people". Torekulov was sentenced to highest punishment — execution.
Nazir Torekulov was acquitted on January 28, 1958 by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR.
In 1929 when the period of the Soviet repressions began, Zhusupbek Aymauytov was arrested on a charge of communication with the nationalist organizations in the territory of Kazakh SSR. Being long time under examination, the scientist in 1931 was sentenced to execution. The decree on execution was issued in absentia.
"I got acquainted with prosecution presented to me. But I do not consider myself guilty". They were the last words written by him.
On September 24, 1937 Saken Seyfullin was arrested on false charge. And in 1938 he charge was brought as "the nationalist bourgeois", on February 25, 1938 in Almaty NKVD was shot.
The writer was acquitted in 1957, after Stalin’s death.
The last thing that Saken Seyfullin managed to tell before death was: "I did not commit a crime. I do not confirm what was told on preliminary investigation". However, these words did not save him from death.
On February 26, 1938, the prose writer and playwright Ilyas Zhansugurov was shot. On April 12, 1957 he was completely acquitted.
Sayat Zhansugurov (the son of the poet) in interview which he gave to the young writer Omirzhan Abdikhalykuly, told about, when and where Ilyas Zhansugurov was detained: "At that time my father was director of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan (1937). According to the Kazakh’s custom with approach of summer he installed yurt on slopes of the mountain and spent his vacation. There he was arrested. His town house was searched; also documents and books were taken away. Location of some works is still unknown".
In 1937 Beimbet Maylin is declared the enemy of the people and on February 25, 1938 sentenced to execution.
According to Tokhtar Beyiskulov’s works, who studied Beimbet Maylin’s life, court session on charge of the famous writer took place on February 26. It began at 12.30 and ended at 12.45. The judicial commission needed only 15 minutes to decide destiny of the writer.
Kudaybergen Zhubanov was accused on points 2, 8, 9 and 11 of 58th articles. According to point 2 of the 58th article charge the "the Japanese spy" was brought to him. The reason of it was covered not only that the scientist showed interest in Japanese language, but also that he knew more than 10 languages. However, the decree on his sentence to the death penalty was issued on point 8 of the same 58th article (terrorism).
The philologist was shot on February 25, 1938. And according to the decision of Military Board of the Supreme Court of the USSR of October 3, 1957 he was acquitted.
During Stalin’s repressions some Kazakh girls were shot. One of them Shahzada Shohanova. She was the spouse of Telzhan Shonanov who was shot as "the enemy of the people".
In 1937 it gets to Stalin torture chambers. It is declared "the enemy of the people". And on March 9, 1938 it was shot extrajudicially according to the decision of "three". Unfortunately, still it isn’t established where the nice daughter of the Great steppe is buried.
In 1937 she got to Stalin’s torture chamber. She was recognized as "enemy of the people". In March 9th, 1938, she was shot without trial by the decision of NKVD. Unfortunately, the place of her burial is still unknown.
Sources of photos:
1. Central State Archive of photo documents and sound recordings;
2. Photos form publication of Enlik Tolykbayev (the manager of fund of the Central State Archive) in the republican newspaper "Zhas Alash";
3. Photo album "Alash Horde" — researcher and journalist Bolat Mursalim.