If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

G-Global - an additional tool of mutual dialogue on the problems of the global world order

 G-Global - an additional tool of mutual dialogue on the problems of the global world order - e-history.kz

Feature of the current geopolitical situation is such that for many people it’s difficult to understand in which direction the country moves and civilization in general. The modern world is characterized by a large variety of external and inconsistencies occurring in it political, social and economic processes. There is a need to understand the goals and objectives of the development of world civilization — what helps and what hinders the progress of the challenges and threats can face modern society and state. The current geopolitical situation in the world, a significant transformation taking place in all spheres of life, requires new approaches to security and confidence building measures. In the context of global challenges to the world community, it is obvious that security issues in Kazakhstan cannot be divorced from the overall geopolitical situation in the world and place it in an apology. Problems of security and cooperation between Western Europe and Southeast Asia have become largely depend on how determined its position the Central Asian countries — including Kazakhstan.

In the twenty-first century there is a need for dialogue on any global issue and access to acceptable solutions for all participants. We need a new global financial and economic system and effective global security structure, including nuclear. The era of domination of modern information technologies are expanding the horizons of human imagination of the world.

In connection with this, May 16, 1992 adopted the «Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state," which defined the basic principles of national security. It stated: «The central part of the national security system in the country — the military doctrine with its mechanism for preventing and countering the threat of war. First of all, we declare a peaceful orientation of its policies and declare that we have no territorial claims to any state of the world «[1].

From the first days of our independence President N. Nazarbayev has consistently and purposefully seek to participate in the affairs of the world community, international initiatives put forward constructive. The following short list shows the breadth of Kazakhstan approaches.

In 1992, the President of Kazakhstan took the initiative to convene the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), as well as the idea of the UN peacekeeping fund, which would be formed by contributions of one percent of the funds from military budgets.

In 1994 an initiative to create a Eurasian Union states was proposed;
In 1999 — a proposal to continue the activities of the «Shanghai Five»;
In 2000 — a project of the Eurasian Economic Community;
In 2001 — the idea of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions;
In 2002 — proposal to create a registry global environmental problems;
In 2003 — the initiative to establish the SES and Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the OSCE;
In 2004 — a proposal for the need to expand the UN Security Council and the establishment of the Council of Regional Organizations in the UN Secretary General;
In 2008 — the idea of the establishment at the UN International Day against Nuclear Tests;
In 2009 — a proposal to hold the OSCE Summit in Astana;
In 2010 — an initiative of the Eurasian security space, the proposal for cooperation between the OSCE and the CICA.

On this initiative of Kazakhstan does not end there. Extended in 2011, an innovative project is the initiative of expanding the global balance — the idea of G-GLOBAL. According to leaders of the state, one of the major problems in making the world’s major decisions is that the position of the majority of developing countries hardly taken into account. In any case, the only acceptable evolutionary path of reform and only subject to the interests of all countries — both developed and developing. Perhaps this is the most important part of initiatives N. Nazarbayev, who claims that the voice of these countries, which include Kazakhstan, was heard. Project G-GLOBAL is not an alternative G-8 and G-20, and an additional tool of global dialogue, which is being realized as an information and communication platform.

Often, not only ordinary people but also leading politicians do not have time to digest the information and unleashes draw the right conclusions. «I propose to radically increase the number of participants in search of anti-crisis solutions for the world. New communication platform I propose to call „Project G-GLOBAL“. It can exist as an electronic network Bretton Woods. The platform for it can become Astana Economic Forum», said the President of Kazakhstan. [2]

In 2012, the international community celebrated the 20th anniversary of a major initiative of the President of N.Nazarbayev — the establishment of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia. The initiative was launched in 1992 at the UN. Kazakhstan does not shy away from the responsibility for the future of the state and the people, and strive to contribute to solving the world’s problems.

Kazakhstan has become a country that has taken the difficult and at the same time bold mission — to breathe new life into the global world order and become a generator of new ideas and solutions that will open up new horizons for the world development. This is confirmed, in particular in the document, which was prepared by the American Institute of Foreign Policy Analysis, «Central Asia strategy and operational planning of the United States», which considered the whole range of issues relating to central Asia. It proposed to pay attention to Kazakhstan, which was a variant of alternative partner, making his Central Asian state with «the best forecasts for the medium term, the creation of something close to the rule of law»[3].

Young and active state in the center of Eurasia, thanks to the initiatives of the First President, became an active participant in regional and global politics. In August 2012, speaking at a meeting with students and faculty at the University of Cambridge, the Head of State said the proposal to create a group of G-GLOBAL, in addition to the mechanism of G-20, in order to create international economic policy and finding global anti-crisis solutions. Today G-GLOBAL — an international virtual platform at Astana Economic Forum, established by the Association «Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists»

«Finding solutions to the challenges facing us, requires the participation of a larger number of experts. And Cambridge University could play an important role in this process», — said the President of Kazakhstan [4].

Kazakhstan was able to leave after the collapse of the USSR at the forefront in terms of reforms and the dynamics of economic development. For two decades has grown 14 times GDP per capita — from 700 to 11 thousand dollars. Kazakhstan announced his candidacy for non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2017–18 years. This is evidence that in Kazakhstan there is trust of the international community, the President N. Nazarbayev has a mandate that allows raising global issues and dealing with them to the world community. Big problems cannot be solved only on the local level and therefore Kazakhstan takes a proactive stance, stating on their initiatives. During the 20 year history of the independent development of the country showed the world that pursues a strategy of global scale necessary trust, transparency and effective action. Such is the scale proposed by President N. Nazarbayev, and is denoted by the innovative concept of G-GLOBAL. Initiated by the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, a variety of approaches, define a variety of areas and the difference formats integration into the world economic and political space. All these initiatives will eventually become the most effective means of forming a broad interstate association that goes beyond the borders of the former USSR and includes its orbit large space Eurasian civilization.

By the initiative of Kazakhstan in Astana and supported by the General Assembly of the United Nations hosted the World’s anti-crisis conference with heads of economic departments 104 countries. By focusing on these innovative global interactive formats, Nursultan Nazarbayev also presented his vision of solving the most urgent problems. One of them is the suggestion that the global financial architecture should be an evolutionary way to come to the interests of all countries.
From 21 to 24 October in the Canadian city Quebec was held 127 Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Nearly 2,000 delegates from over 120 countries gathered at the representative forum to discuss new initiatives in the field of nuclear disarmament issues interethnic and interreligious harmony in the global world, ensuring human rights and freedoms. World famous politicians, deputies discussed large-scale international initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Project global economy G-GLOBAL aroused great interest of foreign parliamentarians. Thus, this communication platform increases the number of participants in the search for solutions to the world crisis.

Jean Chrétien, former prime minister of Canada said that foreign parliamentarians expressed great interest in global initiatives of President Nursultan Nazarbayev: «I know Kazakhstan, I am proud of my friendship with President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Today know about your country all around the world, and thanks to the efforts and international reputation of your President. His initiatives, in particular G-GLOBAL, are of great importance for the world economy «[5].

In the case of a stable and secure world last forum is a unique opportunity to convey to the parliamentarians of all continents main aspects of the policy of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. Representatives of the international parliamentary community showed great interest in large-scale initiatives of the Kazakh leader.

On information and communication platform G-GLOBAL, a project «Virtual VI AEF (Astana Economic Forum) and WAC (World Anti- crisis Conference)» from April 19 to May 19, which was attended by representatives of 160 countries. Was carried out 68 on-line conferences, received 110 proposals and 693 of the report, 79 recommendations for the Forum and 37 proposals for the WAC with the support of the UN General Assembly and the Russian representation in the G20.

The theme of the World Anti-Crisis Conference in 2013 — «Effective measures against global uncertainty and economic downturns." The discussion brought together central bankers, ministers of finance and economy and international experts from 104 countries — participants of the UN. The conference resulted in a wide range of representatives of the expert community were composed Astana Declaration and the World Anti-Crisis Plan.

The idea G-Global received broad support in the political, expert and business circles from the world community. At 40 times increased daily attendance created on the official website of the Astana forum communicative Internet site G-GLOBAL just a few months. Its permanent members became more than 30,000 users from 140 countries. In fact, an intensive search for ways to network a new world economic order.

Discussed at the site of G-GLOBAL questions in interactive discussions rapidly outgrow of reforming the global economy and financial system. Along with them are discussed broader issues of innovation development, nuclear and environmental safety, ethnic and religious tolerance, geopolitics and other aspects. Result of the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan was the fact that, today, G-GLOBAL acts as a potential unifying idea of a multipolar world. Over the past a short time period, this idea has shown demand, as it considers the impact of the increased level of geopolitics and geo-economicsnon-state actors — international NGOs, private organizations, multinational companies, politicians, and citizens around the world.

G-GLOBAL — this civilizational idea of the information age, which is focused on all countries, all areas of Internet space, millions of users of the World Wide Web, interested in reforming the world and the establishment of a just and secure world order. It offers the international community an attractive and effective model of international relations in the XXI century. «Obviously, in the context of globalization bring the world economy out of recession stupor can only combined efforts of the entire community of nations. It is recognized by all. So a week ago at the Astana Economic Forum I proposed to develop and implement effective twenty-first century model of international relations. I called it «G-GLOBAL — Great World» [6].

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said at the session of the G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, said that one of the causes of the global crisis is the rapid development of financial structures, unrelated to the real economy and representing «bubbles." The President emphasized that the position of the majority of developing countries hardly taken into account when making important decisions worldwide.
«In order to voice such countries which include Kazakhstan, I heard two years ago has launched the project G-GLOBAL. This is not an alternative to the G8 and G20, but an additional tool of global dialogue, which is being realized as informational and communicative area»[7].

Within communicative Internet site G-GLOBAL, today, millions of people are already engaged in dialogue on a wide range of issues in the twenty-first century, forming a new, just world order. Stabilization in Central Asia is one of the most pressing issues. It is unable to overcome the challenges of the coming epoch alone. The main point of N. Nazarbayev’s initiative on G-GLOBAL is to bring together everyone in creating a just and secure world order.

Kazakhstan as already formed and dynamic state designed its own vision of an effective world order in the new century. Firstly, G-GLOBAL is a new global dialogue format, which offered the world, the highest «geopolitical Mathematics» 21st century. According to N. Nazarbayev G-GLOBAL it is the five principles of world order under multipolarity:
— evolution and the rejection of revolutionary change in policy;
— justice, equality, consensus;
— global tolerance and trust;
— global transparency;
— constructive multipolarity.
In the twenty-first century it is possible successful search for solutions to the most global problems based on them. G-GLOBAL it is five terms of secure and prosperous world of the 21st century. In the system as they reflect all of the above key international initiatives of Kazakhstan. These are:
— comprehensive project to reform the global financial and economic system;
— a world free of nuclear weapons;
— Congress of world and traditional religions;
— single continental platform Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security;
— Global Energy Strategy and the «Green Bridge».
All of these initiatives are discussed in the UN and other international organizations, our multilateral and bilateral negotiations with other countries, have become part of the global dialogue. Many of them are implemented in practice.
The President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev’s support on initiatives of G-Global was announced by many Nobel laureates, veterans of global policy and experts. Many political leaders said positively about it. Millions of users have visited the site of G-GLOBAL. In general, G-GLOBAL it is Kazakhstan’s contribution to this global search for ways to develop the world [8].
The Republic of Kazakhstan during the formation and development of a sovereign state has become a recognized global dialogue platform, including after the OSCE chairmanship in 2010. Then Astana achieved serious progress in solving the Transnistrian conflict and a number of other issues. Among other significant events there are the Summit and Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (2011), and the initiative to hold in Almaty talks on the Iranian nuclear program in the «5 +1». The first round was held in February this year, the second can be held in September. [9]
Initiated by the Kazakh communication platform G-GLOBAL has become a kind of public diplomacy. G-GLOBAL not just a one-way transmission of information, and engage in dialogue on the most topical global issues of humanity that must allow the world. Important in this series, as an example of development of the country with a long history, it is the upcoming World Expo 2017 — a kind of apotheosis of technologically innovative and historical and cultural development of the nation.

Recent history of Kazakhstan has absorbed all the difficulties and contradictions of the triple transit: construction of a modern market economy, democratic reforms and changes in people’s consciousness. The analysis highlights the political, economic and spiritual development of the rebirth of the nation shows that Kazakhstan second decade of the twenty-first century is totally different from the country of the late twentieth century.

M. Anafinova
Candidate of Philological Science, Chief Researcher at the Institute of History of State

1. N. Nazarbayev, Strategy of formation and development of Kazakhstan as sovereign state, Almaty: Dauir, 1992, p. 55.

2. From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev at the ceremony dedicate to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011. 

3. Davis, Jacquelin and Sweeney, Michael. Central Asia in U. S. Strategy and Operational Planning: Where Do We Go From Here? 

4. From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev at the Cambridge University, 2012. 

5. Kazinform, Astana, October 29, 2012.

6. From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev at the 4th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, Astana, 2012. 

7. From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev at the meeting of G20 Summit in Saint-Petersburg, 2013. 

8. From the speech of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev at the meeting with heads of foreign diplomatic mission, accredited in Kazakhstan, 2013. 

9. Soviets from N. Nazarbayev, Tribune, № 34 (10479),12, September 18, 2013.


Material provided by the Institute of History of State CS MES RK