If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Human capital as basis of formation of innovative culture of the Kazakhstan society (social and philosophical analysis)

 Human capital as basis of formation of innovative culture of the Kazakhstan society (social and philosophical analysis) - e-history.kz

The human capital in the conditions of prompt changes defines dynamics and a directivity of social development. Support of its compliance to social values and requirements of time becomes the important task of purposeful sociocultural development of the personality and society. Its ability to provide social space for creative, creative activities of people becomes a measure of the human innovative capital, viability and resilience of society. Reorientation of public consciousness to acquisition qualitatively of new knowledge and skills, disclosure of the intellectual human capital is necessary for support of effective activity of the person in the conditions of a techno genetic civilization. Development of the last assumes formation of professional knowledge, skills of future experts, and also mastering of forms and methods of successful communication of the personality as the subject of the diversiform social relations. Efficiency of innovative process is estimated on the basis of the reached results, and also changes happening in behavior, thinking and views of the people who are taking part in this process or creating the purpose of the last.

Dynamism, mobility, flexibility and ability to change represent the main characteristics of the organization today — the enterprise and the person as social being. Ability to change and innovations is connected to key links of the human capital, to higher level of education, to wider qualification, ability to be retrained, level of creativity and innovation of staff — with growth of innovative culture «the person skillful» (Homo Faber).

How to imagine connection of the human capital with culture? The culture generally is human (social) activities in its valuable, procedural, object and productive determinacy, all set of products of the material and spiritual purposeful activities of the person from instruments of production, buildings, social institutes and political establishments to language, works of arts, religious systems, science, norms of moral and the right.

Culture, being interfaced to a core of the human capital, namely to knowledge, itself more and more acquires innovative character as the culture on the entity activities, possesses flexibility and pervasive ability and already, then, having become innovative the culture, itself makes impact on building of the human capital in society.
Culture, interfacing with center of human capital, precisely with knowledge, itself acquires more and more innovative character as the culture on the entity activities, possesses flexibility and pervasive ability and then becoming innovative culture itself makes impact on building of the human capital in society.

It was defined earlier that «the human capital represents very difficult and complex phenomenon. It incorporates such differently ordinal phenomena as an education contribution to economic growth, demand for educational and medical services, age dynamics of earnings, distinctions in payment of man’s and female’s work, transmission of an economic inequality from generation to generation etc." [1, p. 11].

Based on above mentioned about complexity and multidimensionality of a phenomenon of the human capital has not yet fully defined. The efforts of social philosophy, as general scientific and methodological, socio-humanistic discipline are necessary. Only it is able to provide an integral pattern of distribution of waves of innovations from the economic sphere and culture on all other its spheres. In our opinion, it will allow considering that not just requirement of economy, but also culture takes the active part in formation and deployment of the human capital.

The term «innovative culture» is used by the modern researchers to emphasize that now it is simply to speak about the knowledge, skills, abilities necessary for the innovative activities which is significant in vocational training of future experts insufficiently, but the understanding is also important: how the personality interacts with this knowledge how new knowledge can influence structure and an inner world of the integral personality?

Innovative culture provides a susceptibility of people to new ideas, their readiness and ability to support and realize innovations in all spheres of life. The innovative culture is defined also as readiness and ability of society and the individual for innovations, and its manifestation is the susceptibility the identity of innovations. The innovative culture therefore is considered as the complex social phenomenon which is integrally integrating questions of science, education, culture with social and, first of all, professional practice in different fields of activity.

Innovative activities represent process of creation of new consumer costs (goods and services). The cycle of innovative activities can be presented in the form of the following stages: new knowledge — the useful model — a prototype — a new value. In the modern developed countries innovative activities are based on mass application in economy (at all its levels and stages) new scientific knowledge. Its reproduction and enhancement are the priority task of both private business, and the state as only innovative products, components more than 90% of all goods and services in the world market, provide to firms and the states necessary competitive advantages and possibility of progressive development.

Innovative system it is subsystem of society, firstly, its economy aimed not only to production, reproduction achieved level of whole development, but also on its update and progress. Innovative system has its own central innovative activities. However, it is wider as it included itself additional elements: organization of realization and consumption of enterprise new costs (goods and services) thanks to successful realization of which can be started a new cycle of innovation activities.

Innovational economy is economy based on solid and mass usage of scientific knowledge and production of good and services. The weight of scientific knowledge in production of such costs, especially with support of high technologies, can make the considerable part (10–15%) from a total cost of the production.

Concerning Kazakhstan, there is a need of further scientific reason for increase of a role science and innovative technologies for economic development of the republic, development of mechanism of formation and implementation of an innovative policy remains.

The necessity for theoretical development of domestic innovation felt especially in practice in our country the simplified, surface approach to problems of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is shown that technocratic approach prevails, innovations are considered as purely scientific and technical problem, though it — more an economic and social problem.

It is also necessary to realize that innovative systems of all countries have the common and special features determined by their history, features of economy, economic culture, the dominating valuable orientations and even psychological factors. They are built in not only economy, but also social system in general.

In this regard, development of problems of formation and development of the Kazakhstan national innovative system remains as one of the essential and important directions of socio-humanistic scientific researches.

The intellectual innovative product as result of creative cerebration belongs, first of all, to science and technique. However, we believe that this term equally belongs to art (to literature, art, etc.). Such approach of recognition, both scientific and technical results innovations, and new works of culture and art as an intellectual product makes a deep meaning. If scientific and technical results can be defined as knowledge of objects of the first and second nature (the material activities of the person in its different manifestations), that, in art are results of creation by the author of samples, models of the internal world of the person, his personal perception of surrounding and other people.

In both cases the knowledge appears as a product of cerebration. In science — in the form of objective knowledge of the nature, in art — as subjective reflection by the artist of the world, its perception.
So, the most general determination of an intellectual innovative product is knowledge. It is also the central link of the human capital, and at the same time, a basis of formation of innovative culture.
It is interesting to see the connection between the human capital and innovative culture at the level of the basic (basis) elements of the human capital.

The most important component of formation of the human capital is health care. At the same time the health system is a key component of innovative culture of society.

Health is an objective status and, at the same time, subjective feeling of people which indicates their full physical, mental and social wellbeing (on a statement of World Health Organization). Health opens for the person a way to achievement of freedom in its creative activity. In understanding of a problem of health long time elements of the simplified social methods took place. In particular, the person as object of study of medicine generally was of interest as a subjective factor of production. In such approach patient lost his personal and system qualities.

Certainly, labor factor plays great role as in formation of person and his health, as well as in origin and distribution of diseases. Everything depends on nature of work, social and economic conditions in which there is work of the person. Due to the touched issue, it is expedient to analyze correlation of work, working capacity and health of the person. First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that working capacity is one of the most important functions of health. Working capacity corresponds to work as real opportunity with the reality.

The main maintenance of a problem of health, its central part is full value of human activity and possibility of its maintenance in a stable status in the greatest possible temporal period. Health is the highest integral index of functioning of an organism and the personality. Philosophical and scientific interest represents a question of personal and social and valuable aspect of health. For any civilized and humanistic oriented states health factor is a huge social value. It is the key aspect and necessary premise of development of economy, culture and it is a factor of national security of society.

Health it is an economic, demographic, moral, spiritual and humanistic potential of society. Nowadays it turns into one of the most important criteria of the positive assessment of any states. Not accidental advanced philosophical and social and economic thought refers investment into health to number not only the most profitable economically, but also socially productive and prestigious, and also humanistic oriented capital investments.

The way of life it is, certainly, that point of support by help of which it is possible to influence a status of public health radically. The way of life is that tool by means of which it is possible to span the bridge from all-sociological regularities of development of society to regularities of protection of personal and public health.

Implementation in medicine of the technological culture, which relies on latest technique and the modern information technologies, takes important place in the conditions of scientific and technical progress of the beginning of the 21st century. The modern technique is the form of a materialization and use of scientific achievements, it is appears as an important element of the technological organization of scientific researchers in medical science, clinical and preventive activities in health care.

The modern era — an era of energy, information and technological progresses, including bio- and social medicine. In social medicine (first of all), one more important factor — entity of society and state, their liberal or social character.

In the political sphere of our society in order that Kazakhstan became really integral and dynamic part of the world markets of goods, services, work forces, the capital, the modern innovative ideas and technologies, the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev it was entrusted to Government to solve a row of the main tasks.

1. To achieve the provision of high-quality services of education all over the county at the world standards. To lead the uniform state strategy directed on implementation of high technologies and support of innovations.

2. To upgrade political system according to logic of a new stage of development of Kazakhstan.

Thus the president emphasized the features and appropriate points of the Kazakhstan’s way that consist in saving a presidential government, gradual reforms, balance of decisions, a national dialog and consolidation of the main political forces. A main goal of political conversions in Kazakhstan is movement to such modern democratic form of the power which will be able to provide the most effective management system with society and the state, at the same time saving political stability in the country and providing all constitutional rights and freedoms of its citizens.

The solution of all these tasks will considerably serve to form the innovative culture in the sphere of domestic social policy.

The innovative culture is the mechanism of innovative behavior as special type of personal or group behavior for which appropriate initiative and systematic mastering of new methods of activities. With increase of innovative culture it is possible to achieve: in the sphere of specific economy — accelerations and increases of efficiency of implementation of new technologies and inventions; in the sphere of control — real counteraction to bureaucratic tendencies; in education — assistance to disclosure of innovative potential of the personality and its implementation; in the sphere of culture — optimization of a ratio between traditions and up-dating, different types of cultures.

The innovative type of behavior is connected to continuous search and approbation of the most effective tactical behavioral models which are equitable to the true interests of the specific social subject and provide it possibility of a personal survival when saving self-sufficiency and relative independence from regulating its activities of the above systems.

Innovative politics of modern Kazakhstan, which aimed to innovative development of all its spheres of social being, have to be social and cultural project the aim of which should be building educational, cultural capital and creative activities as individual, as well as groups, firstly, families and staff of enterprises. Stimulation of business activity and commercialization of results of intellectual activities would not yield necessary results as do not consider features of the Kazakhstan innovative culture. Last it is created as the mobilization project, but is not result of innovative activity yet.

Kazakhstan has the purpose to become real integral and dynamic part of the world markets of goods, services, labor resource, the capital, the modern ideas and technologies. One of the main objectives of achievement of this purpose is formation on the basis of the modern education and professional retraining of fundamentals of «smart economy», use of new technologies, ideas and approaches, development of innovative culture. For its creation it is necessary to develop the own human capital. All this requires objective social-philosophical research of problems of formation of innovative culture of the Kazakhstan society on the basis of building of own human capital.

The problems of formation of innovative culture have not received yet an extensive discussion in the Kazakhstan philosophy and the social humanity. Thus, there is no complex research of this problem paramount for our country.

Prospects of researches on social and philosophical aspects of innovations can be brought to the following ideological and conceptual provisions:

1. Innovative development of Kazakhstan in the 21st century is a way to the future. It can be held on the basis of formation and building of the human capital. Thus, through development of the human capital there is an opportunity for development of innovative culture of Kazakhstan.

2. Absence of innovative culture of society is one the main reasons of innovative stagnation. To make self-regulation mechanism to work there is a need of powerful, organizational and administrative and legal impulse in the conditions of innovative stagnation. For this purpose the institutionalizing of innovative culture, i.e. transformation of its development into the organized, arranged process with a certain structure of the relations, rules of behavior, responsibility of participants is required.

3. In social philosophy it is essential to create objective criteria of formation of the human capital — as the complex social phenomenon which is integrates with the question of science, education, culture with social and, first of all, professional practice in different spheres of community.

4. In case of the high level of innovative culture of society having mutual correlation, interdependency of its parts, change of one component causes fast changing of others.

5. Perspectives of development of innovative culture seem on the basis of development in Kazakhstan of the human capital and «smart economy», and also in the context of continuous interaction of science, economy and culture of Kazakhstan as one whole.

M. Izotov

Human Capital as the Basis for Building an Innovative Culture of Kazakh Society (Social and Philosophical Analysis)


M.Izotov, Z. Sarsenbayeva, A. Hamidov, Formation of human capital in independent Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2011.