If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Political parties of Kazakhstan Kazakh Party NGOs and the media. policy of Kazakhstan

Political parties of Kazakhstan Kazakh Party NGOs and the media. policy of Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
Party building in the Republic of Kazakhstan received its second development with the adoption in 2002 by the Parliament of the new Law "On Political Parties"

Political parties of Kazakhstan Kazakh Party NGOs and the media. policy of Kazakhstan

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the rights of parties, movements, associations, with the exception of those whose activity is aimed at "changing the constitutional order, violation of the integrity of the country, undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national, religious, class and tribal enmity." State intervention in the affairs of political parties and public associations are not allowed.

The basis of the concept of state reform strategy in Kazakhstan was a program of democratization and political reform. This program shows the dynamism and effective approaches to the sphere of the state to further democratization of social processes.

Party building in the Republic of Kazakhstan received its second development with the adoption in 2002 by the Parliament of the new Law "On Political Parties" that would, in the opinion of the authors of the law, to regulate and streamline the course of Party building in Kazakhstan. The new law was introduced 50000th barrier for the formation of a political party.

After the adoption of the new Law "On Political Parties" in July 2002, the then-current political parties must have been for six months to re-register.

At present in the Republic of Kazakhstan officially registered 11 political parties.


In Kazakhstan, the media is functioning in 1824, including 1,202 newspapers, 483 Magazine, 124 TV and radio stations and 15 news agencies. 85% are non-governmental media. The owners of the media are 159 community associations, 11 publications belong to political parties and movements, and 10 religious organizations. A significant variety of themes typical of the media market in the country.

Newspapers and magazines are published and TV and radio programs are broadcast in 11 languages, nationalities and ethnic groups living in the country. In addition to the major languages ​​(Kazakh and Russian), the media overlook the Ukrainian, Polish, German, Korean, Uighur, Turkish, Dungan and other languages. Media ethnic minorities receive financial support from the government.

In Kazakhstan, the dynamically evolving Internet, cable TV. Modern information technologies are widely used in the information market. National TV and radio broadcast through the national satellite system. In 2002 he was created Satellite Channel CaspioNet (operator Eutelsat). Throughout the country through cable and satellite channels broadcast programs BBC, CNN, Deutsche Welle, Radio Liberty, the Polish channel Polonia, Russia, and other television and radio channels.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan accredited by more than 80 representatives of foreign media from 20 countries, including most major news agencies such as BBC, Associated Press, Interfax, France Press, Reuters, ITAR-TASS. Variety of topics, publications and languages ​​contributes to the rapid development of mass media in the country and create a unique palette of the information field.

Since 1921 he works Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG now - KazInform). Republican radio broadcasts are available from 1931. Currently on air sound for more than 60 public and educational programs, about 20 musical entertainment (2003). In 1958, the first TV show was shown. On the Republican radio and television programs are in Kazakh, Russian, Korean, Uygur, German, Azeri, Turkish, Tatar.

Agrarian Party of Kazakhstan

Party Chair - Madinov Romijn Rizovich. Party was registered March 16, 1999. Party membership is 60,000 members. The party has its divisions in 12 provinces, cities and districts. The social base of the party are agricultural producers, farmers, rural cooperatives and associations. Its goals are:

protection of the political , civil, economic , social and cultural rights and interests of all members of the agricultural sector , the inhabitants of the village , an active part in the political life of society , the impact on the formation of the political will of farmers, villagers and other segments of the population , participation in elections to the bodies of state power in central and local levels , to promote economic growth of agricultural sector , improving the social status and well-being of rural truzhenikov.V elections to the lower house of Parliament - Majilis - September 19, 2004 the Agrarian Party was involved in the agro -industrial unit workers' Union ( AIST ) . Voted for the bloc 7.07 % izbirateley.GRAZhDANSKAYa PARTY KAZAHSTANAPervy Party Secretary - Azat Peruashev Turlybekovich . Party was registered December 29, 1999 . Claimed party membership is about 100,000 people. The party has its branches in all areas of the cities of Astana and Almaty. The social base - the representatives of industrial enterprises , workers, engineers and technicians. Party considers its goals : strengthening and development of the state , the formation of the rule of law , the equality of all citizens before the law; cleansing the state apparatus of corrupt officials , restoring order and the rule of law in all spheres of public life, the realization of the principle of responsible government to the people , the rise of the national economy , strengthening of material wealth and social status of the citizen and of the family.

Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004, the Civic Party in the block " AIST " together with the Agrarian Party received 7.07 % of votes. In single-member districts, the party held in the third Majlis deputies 14 of its chlenov.DEMOKRATIChESKAYa Party of Kazakhstan " Ak Zhol" Chairman of the Political Party - Alikhan M. Baimenov . Party was registered March 3, 2004 . Party membership is 172 000 people. Its goals are : independent, prosperous, democratic and free Kazakhstan . The fundamental values ​​of democracy, independence , freedom and justice . The party actively participates in the work of the conciliation commission to make recommendations for further democratization of Kazakhstan. In the elections to the Majilis in 2004 the party won 12.04 % of votes. Just a third Majlis party has 2 mandata.DEMOKRATIChESKAYa PARTY KAZAHSTANAPredsedatel Party - Narikbaev Maksut Sultanovich . The Democratic Party of Kazakhstan, June 14th, 2004. Party membership is 60,100 people. Party based on the territorial principle and has branches in all regions of the country and in the cities of Astana and Almaty. His main task is to build the party in Kazakhstan legal democratic welfare state , the creation of an efficient, advanced and progressive economic system, the formation of civil society. Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004 the party won 0.76 % of the voting by party lists. In the third Majlis has one deputy elected in a single- okrugu.KOMMUNISTIChESKAYa PARTY KAZAHSTANAPervy Party Secretary - Serikbolsyn A. Abdildin . Party was registered February 28, 1994 , re - February 17, 1997 . Party membership is about 100,000 people. The party has its branches in all regions of the country. CCP members mostly are veterans of war and labor , workers and pensioners. The main goals set by the Party are creating the conditions for building a society of freedom and social justice based on the principles of scientific socialism , the communist social order . In the elections to the Majilis in 2004, the Communist Party of Kazakhstan took part in the election bloc " People's opposition alliance and DVK ", which received 3,44% of the votes and got into Parliament .The Communist People's Party First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan - Vladislav Kosarev . June 21, 2004 the party was registered . At the time of registration in the party had about 70,000 members. In the ranks of the party workers, students , intellectuals , senior citizens , businessmen , etc. According to the political platform of the party , at the heart of KNPC is Marxist- Leninist ideology adapted to the new conditions of social development. Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004 the party won 1.98 % of votes. In the third Majlis deputies imeet.RESPUBLIKANSKAYa political party " Otan" The Acting Chairman of the party "Otan" - Zhumagulov Bahytzhan Tursunovich . The Republican political party " Otan" was established in January 1999 , and in February of that year, registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan . The number of Prato is about 200,000 people. "Otan" has branches in all regions of Kazakhstan , Astana and Almaty. The social base of the party consists of employees of budgetary institutions , students, scientific and creative intelligentsia , representatives of small and medium biznesa.Glavnymi goals of the Party declares actively promote the implementation of economic and political reforms aimed at further democratization of society , raising living standards , establishment of social justice and maintaining stability in the country , strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony , education of citizens' sense of patriotism and responsibility for the full and harmonious development of the Republic of Kazakhstan . In the Majilis "Otan " has a parliamentary majority. Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004 of "Otan" party in the lower house of parliament were elected 53 deputies ( 7 of them - on the party list ) . Republican political party " Asar " party chairman - Nazarbayev Darigha Nursultanovna . The party was registered in December 2003 . In the "Asar" party consists of about 200,000 people. Party branches operate in all regional centers, cities of Astana and Almaty. His goal of " Asar" declares the construction in Kazakhstan economically strong , democratic, legal and social state with a developed civil society institutions , deepening of democratic reforms , improving the well-being of all citizens of Kazakhstan . Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004 the party won 11.38 % of the vote , having a party list MPs. In single-member districts, members of Parliament were 3 members of partii.PARTIYa "Rukhaniyat" Party Chair - Zhaganova Altynshash Kairzhanovna . The party was registered on 6 October 2003 . Party membership is about 54 thousand people. Party branches operate in regional centers, cities of Astana and Almaty. The social base of the party - the workers in the education , health, science and culture , entrepreneurs , students , etc. The main tasks of the Party sees upswing in the economy , social issues , the development of high moral and spiritual wealth of society. Following the elections to the Majilis in 2004 the party won 0.44 % in the third Majlis deputies has not.