If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

World of values of independent Kazakhstan

World of values of independent Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
Values of modern Kazakhstan society among which independence is considered by the author as the main value are analyzed.

Separate articles, interview and the materials published by A.N.Nysanbayev on pages of the republican press in the Kazakh and Russian languages are presented in the book. 

In offered work values of modern Kazakhstan society among which independence is considered by the author as the main value are analyzed.  The special attention is paid on a ratio of national and universal values in changing society. 

During the complex interdisciplinary analysis of economic, socio-political problems of the period of transformation of economic way, political system, social structure features of formation of new valuable measurement of life are revealed, specifics of ways and methods of search and finding of the latest Kazakhstan identity is opened.

The edition will be interesting both to experts in the field of social science, and to a wide range of the readers who are interested in modern questions of political science, social philosophy, sociology, cultural science.
