If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

About the announcement of 1999 for year of unity and continuity of generations

About the announcement of 1999 for year of unity and continuity of generations - e-history.kz
The decree of the President of 30.12.1998 N 4187 * "About the announcement of 1999 for year of unity and continuity of generations"

Considering opinion and public offers, for development of interrelation of generations and strengthening of unity of the Kazakhstan people I decide:

1 . To declare 1999 for Year of unity and continuity of generations.

2 . To the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) till January 15, 1999 to form the state commission on carrying out Year of unity and continuity of generations.

To suggest to be a part of the state commission heads of political parties, other public associations, national and cultural centers, creative unions, religious organizations;

to charge to akims of Astana and Almaty areas, to heads of the central executive bodies to create the similar commissions;

2) till January 20, 1999 to approve the plan of measures on carrying out Year of unity and continuity of generations;

3) make financing of actions of "Year of unity and continuity of generations" in an order established by the legislation;

4) to provide extended and timely coverage of a course of realization of the actions provided within a Year of unity and continuity of generations in mass media;

5) to charge to the state commission on carrying out Year of unity and continuity of generations to offer the work which was carried out in days of a national consent and memory of victims of political repressions, national unity and national history.

3 . The present Decree comes into force from the date of publication.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan