If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

84 years ago the first issue of the newspaper named "Kazakhstanskaya pravda"

266 years ago Beket Ata was born

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84 years ago the first issue of the newspaper named "Kazakhstanskaya pravda"

The Russian ancestor of "Kazakhstanskaya pravda", named "Izvestiya Kirgizskogo kraya", was launched on January 1, 1920. It was a weekly newspaper issued on Thursdays. Six-month subscription fee was 50 roubles, and the price of one issue — 2 roubles. When the Kazakh ASSR was established the newspaper obtained a new status. In 1921 it was renamed "Stepnaya pravda"In 1923 it became a daily newspaper named "Sovetskaya step". On January 20, 1932 the Third Plenum of the Kazakh Regional Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party resolved to rename the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya pravda". On January 21, 1932 its first issue was published.