If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of Yermukhan Bekmakhanov - the first Kazakh - Doctor of Historical Sciences

The Day of remembrance of soldiers-internationalists

Birthday of Shaken Aimanov

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84 years ago the first issue of the newspaper named "Kazakhstanskaya pravda"

The Russian ancestor of "Kazakhstanskaya pravda", named "Izvestiya Kirgizskogo kraya", was launched on January 1, 1920. It was a weekly newspaper issued on Thursdays. Six-month subscription fee was 50 roubles, and the price of one issue — 2 roubles. When the Kazakh ASSR was established the newspaper obtained a new status. In 1921 it was renamed "Stepnaya pravda"In 1923 it became a daily newspaper named "Sovetskaya step". On January 20, 1932 the Third Plenum of the Kazakh Regional Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party resolved to rename the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya pravda". On January 21, 1932 its first issue was published.