If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

May 9, Kazakhstan celebrates Victory Day over Nazi Germany in World War Two (1941-1945)

Birthday of the first Kazakh cameramanTynyshpayev Eskendir Mukhamedzhanuly

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In 2005, Kazakhstan was elected a member of the Political commission of the WTO

On June 27, 2005 at the 105th and 106th session of the Customs Cooperation Customs of the World Customs Organization Kazakhstan was elected a member of World Customs Organization Political commission. The WCO Political commission was established in 1978. 17 most active member states of the WCO elected to it on a regional basis for a term of two years. This body considers the most mportant issues of world customs system functioning and developing: working out, implementation and updation of international conventions and other legal instruments in customs-related sphere. Kazakhstan represented and defended interests of all CIS and Baltic states during the discussions of strategic planning issues and identification of priorities of WCO activity.