If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1961 village Ermak was transformed into the city (today Aksu in Pavlodar region)

In 2005 in memory of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in park of the Pavlodar Annunciation Cathedral the birch avenue was built

Today is the birthday of Manshuk Mametova, the first Kazakh woman who was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union

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May 30, 1595 Tauke Khan hosted Russian embassy headed by Stepanov

In May 1595, Russian tsar sent to the Kazakh government envoys headed by Stepanov. They were shown hospitality and all honors by Tauekel Khan. Russian ambassadors closely acquainted with the life of Kazakhs and delved into the specifics of their life and culture. Such familiarity facilitated the deepening of relations between the two countries. Remembering the assistance provided by the Kazakhs for Russian to conquest Siberia, the Russian Tsar ordered to build in their possession fortified town Tara, which as reliable shield would cover Steppe from foreign seizure.