If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

80 years ago the Zhambyl Kazakh Drama Theather named after Abay was opened

The day when the Republican Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was created

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The day when the Republican Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was created

The day when the Republican Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was created - e-history.kz
Today, the Republican Guard is a special state agency which relates to the armed force of the Republic of Kazakhstan and provides security to the events and people within its competence. Guards protect the Head of State, clock guard stands at residence “Ak Orda” while serving night and day. The state symbols like the flag, emblem and special copy of the Constitution of Kazakhstan, which takes Presidential oath of loyalty to people, being trusted to them. Guardsmen participate in important official events like meet all distinguished guests, who arrive to the country, also participate in social events of national importance.