If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of Seraly (Serke) Kozhamkulov — one of the founder of the professional and national theater arts

Birthday of Nigmetolla Kiikbayev - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

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Birthday of historian and orientalist Ramazan Bimashevich Suleimenov

Historian, orientalist, Doctor of historical sciences (1973), Professor (1981), academician of the Kazakh SSR (1989), winner of the prize named after C. Valikhanov. He graduated from the Kazakh State University (1956). Graduate student, junior, senior researcher, head of the department of history of culture of Kazakhstan (1959-1992) and Oriental studies (1979-1985), Deputy Director (1983-1984), director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography (1985-1988), Academician-Secretary of department of Social Sciences (1986-1992), the first director of the Center at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Uighur studies (1992). He found a new and promising research direction and scientific school in the field of history of culture of Kazakhstan. He contributed to the development of problems of cultural development, the formation and development of the national intelligentsia, to the recovery of artificially interrupted continuity of the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, to the scientific rehabilitation of creative heritage of unjustifiably repressed writers, political leaders and scientists. He gained a wide recognition of "Chokan Valihanov, the researcher of nomadic people of Central Asia in the 19th century", books and articles about Ablay-Khan, T. Zhurgenev, S. Asfendiyarov, G. Togzhanov, T. Ryskulova, and K.K. Zhubanov. The oriental theme is reflected in more than 30 works on the history of political and cultural ties of Kazakhstan with the neighboring countries of East, philosophical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The author of 238 scientific papers, including more than 30 monographs. The main scientific works: Socialist path of cultural progress backward peoples. Alma-Ata, 1967 (co-author). Chokan Valikhanov - orientalist. Alma-Ata, 1985 (co-author). From the history of Kazakhstan in 18th century. Alma-Ata, 1988 (co-author). Sanjar Dzhafarovich Asfendiarov. Alma-Ata, 1989.