If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

95 years ago was adopted the degree about renaming Verny to Almaty

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8 years ago the opening ceremony of unveiling a monument to the famous scientist Alkei Margulan took place in Almaty

8 years ago the opening ceremony of unveiling a monument to the famous scientist Alkei Margulan took place in Almaty - e-history.kz
8 years ago the opening ceremony of unveiling a monument to the famous scientist Alkei Margulan took place in Almaty. Alkei Khakan Margulan (1904-1985) is internationally recognized for his major contribution to the world’s knowledge of Kazakh, and more widely, Central Asian sciences and humanities. Author of over 500 scientific publications and seven monographs and recipient of numerous awards during his lifetime, Margulan is one of the most important national figures of Kazakhstan.