His authorship belong to more than 50 collections of poetry, literary criticism and children's books. Many of his poems have been translated into Russian, German, English, French, Finnish, Lithuanian, Kyrgyz, Tatar and other languages of the world. Qadir was born in the village of Myrzaliev Dzhambeity Ural region (now - Zhympity) Syrym district, West Kazakhstan region). From childhood he was interested in the books and is a regular visitor to Dzhambeytinskoy local library. At age 11, he composed his first poem, in which students jokingly describes his class. After his father's death he was sent to boarding school, where he continues to prosody. In 1954, the young poet began to be published in the national magazine "Pioneer". In 1958, he graduated from Kadir Myrzaliev Philology KSU named after SM Kirov, two years later - post-graduate studies. After many years of dedicated study journalism. In 1958-1962 he worked as a literary staff of the children's magazine "Baldyrgan" (Baby). In the years 1962-1965 - Head of the Department of poetry and criticism, the executive secretary of the magazine "Zhuldyz" (Star). In the years 1968-1973 - Head of poetry edited by the publishing house "Zhazushy" (Writer). In 1973-1978, - the head of the poetry section of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan. In 1992, he became deputy chairman of the Committee for National Policy, the culture and language of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1994 he was elected a deputy of the People's Republic of Kazakhstan.
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