If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

23 years ago was the first international symposium on "Music of the Turkic peoples"

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Union of youth of Kazakhstan named the laureates of the award in the sphere of literature, art

The titles of laureates in the sphere of literature, art and artistic self-regulating work were awarded: G.Akurpekova and G.Baibosynova in the sphere of folk art; G.Kaspakova, vocalists K.Makhanov and M.Tusupbayeva, N.Tanabayev, N.Oteulov, S.Kaliev and O.Glushenko in the sphere of theater art. For great contribution in the literature and art the award were given A,Karipzhan and A.Smagulova; folklore – A.Syzdykov and D.Dukenbayeva; variety genre – Zh.Baitekov and S.Abdykhalykov. For the propaganda of folk music the Awards were given to the ensemble “Ak Zhauyn” and chamber orchestra of students of Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.