If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of an actor, film director Asanali Ashimov

May 8, 1975 in Almaty at the park named after 28 Panfilov’s Guardsmen was established the Memorial “Glory”

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In 1961 village Ermak was transformed into the city (today Aksu in Pavlodar region)

In 1961 village Ermak was transformed into the city (today Aksu in Pavlodar region) - e-history.kz
The history of the city is closely connected with the discovery of coal deposits in the Lake Ekibastuz. The end of the nineteenth century. Kazakhstan during the period as part of the Russian Empire more drawn into the economy of capitalist development. Economic development and trade of Russia - the metropolis and Kazakhstan - the colony increased supply of raw materials from Kazakhstan to Russia and so import of other raw materials - goods, timber products from Russia to Kazakhstan. By this time, the discovery of coal deposits K. Pshenbaevym and then exploration of scientists , engineers and geologists invited Pavlodar millionaire merchant A.I.Derovym at the end of the 90s of XIX century , led to the fact that it was decided to start the first attempts of coal mining method.The development of the shipping company on the Irtysh and Ob, start of the railway in 1886 from Chelyabinsk to Omsk determined the outcome - Ekibastuz coal is required to remove the Irtysh. Enlisting the support of the Kiev saharozavodchik L.Brodskogo and spiritual director Fr John of Kronstadt , A. Derov decided to establish a joint-stock company for the extraction of coal from Ekibastuz, which later became known as "Voskresenskoe ."