If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly
Today in history

Today in history

In 1937 Balkhash obtained the status of the city

In 1930 by the decision of Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD) more than 20 members of Alash movement were repressed

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In 1936 was held the public event dedicated to the Kazakh art and literature in Moscow

In 1936 was held the public event dedicated to the Kazakh art and literature in Moscow - e-history.kz
The public event dedicated to the Art and Literature in Moscow - displays of the achievements of art union and autonomous republics of the USSR the first decade - Ukrainian was held in 1936 in Moscow. This public event represent a system of different events (plays, concerts, variety shows, circus performances, amateur performance, evenings of the writers, composers, artists, exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculptures, book exhibitions and so on), where involved professional and amateur theatrical-musical groups. Total in 1936 there were conducted 25 of them in 9 Soviet countries. The Kazakh events: May 17-23, 1936. Participants: Kazakh music theatre (music drama of Brusilovsky "Kiz Jibek" and " Zhalbyr"); groups and soloists Kazakh Philharmonic. December 12-21, 1958. Participants: Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Abay (opera "Birzhan and Sara " of Tulebaev "Abay" of Zhubanov and Hamndi, ballets " By the way of flowers" of Tlndeeva, Stepanova and Manaeva, "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai"); Kazakh theatre of drama ("Enlik -Kebek" of Auezov "The tragedy of the poet" of Musrepov "Chokan Valihanov" of Mukanova , "One tree - not wood" of Tazhibayev, "The Taming of the Shrew"); Almaty Russian theatre ("Heirs" Ayova , "Giordano Bruno" of Okulevich, "Battle on the Way " based on the novel of Nikolaev); ensembles, orchestras, soloists of Kazakh Philharmonic.