If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1911 was born the Doctor of Historical Science, Professor Shoynbayev Tleukazhy

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Birthday of composer Mynzhasar Mangitaev

77 years ago Mynzhasar Mangitaev (1937-2011) was born. He was a composer, Laureate of the State Prize, Honorary Artist, People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the author of hundreds of symphonies. He was born in Chimkent region. Graduated from the Alma-Ata Institute of Arts, studied compositions of K. Kozhamyarov (1965). From childhood he was interested in music. Being a child Mynzhasar liked singing folk songs. However, in a small village he had no opportunities to develop fis talant. He wrote his first compositions when he was a teenager. His works were recorded and sent to Evgeniy Brusilovskiy. The famous composer appreciated his potential. in 1960 Mynzhasar was accepted to the Kurmangazy Conservatory without special training. Mangitaev’s art varies in genre. Mynzhasar Mangitaev taught in a musical-circus college, headed musical editorial staff at the Zhasushy Publishing House, repeatedly was appointed the Executive Secretary of the Union of Composers. In the last years of his life he was completely devoted to the work on the "Otyrar Shaikasy" opera. For the first time he created such a detailed musical composition but didn’t produce it. He was awarded the "Kurmet" Order.