If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

23 years ago was the first international symposium on "Music of the Turkic peoples"

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A program of transition of the second-tier banks to the international standards of financial accountability was created on December 17, 1996

A program of transition of the second-tier banks to the international standards of financial accountability was created on December 17, 1996 - e-history.kz
A program of transition of the second-tier banks to the international standards of financial accountability was approved on December 17, 1996 According to this program, all of the existing banks of Kazakhstan were supposed to meet the international standards in terms of adequacy of the capital liquidity, the quality of assets, the level of management and accounting, and also the administration and transfer of information. During the years of realization of the Program (1996-2001), the total number of banks has greatly reduced because of those banks, the financial conditions of which were unstable.