Nurmakov Nigmet Nurmakovich

Name | Nurmakov Nigmet Nurmakovich |
Born in 1895 in the county Karkarala Semipalatinsk region. Kazakh. Member of the CPSU since 1920
He graduated in 1915 Omsk Pedagogical Seminary in 1931 - the Communist University of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
1915 - 1918 - School teacher in Karkaralinsk.
February-May 1918 - Secretary of Karkarala county council workers 'and peasants' deputies.
1918 - December was held in the White Guard prison.
Of 1920-1921. Member Karkarala urevkoma and uispolkoma, member and head of the Department of Semipalatinsk
gubvoenrevkoma, Head of Department of the Provincial Committee and secretary of the Semipalatinsk member executive committee.
October 1921 - Chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Autonomous Republic.
April 1923 - Chairman of the Kazakh branch of the Supreme Court.
1923 - September 1924. - People's Commissar of Justice, the Attorney General of the Kalmyk ASSR.
September-October - head. Kirobkoma department of the CPSU (b).
October 1924 - April 1929 Chairman of People's Commissars of the Autonomous Republic.
1929-1931 years. - Study in Moscow.
1931-1937 years. - Zam.sekretarya Central Executive Committee, Head of the Department of the Bureau. A member of the Central Executive Committee Kazkraykoma the CPSU (b), the CEC KASSR.
Repressed. Shot in September 1937
Rehabilitated in August 1956