10.06.2014 1472
Caucasian Kazakhs. Dissenting opinion
06.06.2014 979
Test for nation. History lessons should be learned
05.06.2014 1601
Cultural Walk: The Museum of history of Turkic writing
04.06.2014 898
Zh. M. Malibekov: «Five-pointed star on the Emblem was added by the President himself»
04.06.2014 1312
Symbols of the new country
03.06.2014 1415
Values of the Independence
03.06.2014 1630
Historical background of the National Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
02.06.2014 1086
Mehmet Kulmagambet. The most famous Kazakh-dissident
30.05.2014 1169
«Father did not like talking about the arrest». Interview with A. Kh. Margulan’ daughter
30.05.2014 2220
The only surviving prisoner of ALZHIR (Akmolinskiy Camp for Wives of Parricides)
29.05.2014 1446
Cultural Walk: L.N. Gumilyov Museum-Auditorium
28.05.2014 737
Modernization of historical science in the context of the idea “Mangilik el”
28.05.2014 1848
“Only for us, my beloved, roads are already defined”. Prisoners of ALZHIR
27.05.2014 1376
Manuscripts on the visit of the Kazakh khans to Persia was found in Iran
25.05.2014 687
The Center of first Kazakh diplomat Nazir Turiyakulov was opened in Astana