29.06.2014 1767
Origin of Kazakh traditional wrestling goes back to ancient history
27.06.2014 1874
95-year life of the "Kazakhstan Pravda"
27.06.2014 620
«My heart cried!», or the story of Botay settlement’s discovery
25.06.2014 1965
Botai inhabitants were the first on the planet who domesticated majestic horse
25.06.2014 768
One day with archeologist
25.06.2014 1100
Formation of the Interior Troops of Republic of Kazakhstan. Interview with General Bulat Dzhanasaev
24.06.2014 1331
Museum of Internal Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan
23.06.2014 849
Cultural walk: the museum of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
23.06.2014 1366
Police Dynasties– the Guardians of Law and Order in the family
23.06.2014 1388
Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs congratulate the young officers on their professional holiday
15.06.2014 1241
Surgeon with more than 40 years’ experience
15.06.2014 1408
Walk to the Museum of the Medical University
15.06.2014 850
Employees working for «» participated in the workshop of the «Bolashak» Association
13.06.2014 578
“My land – Virgin land”
11.06.2014 1459
«Astana Opera» presents chronicle of stage