17.08.2013 1450
Back to the past
16.08.2013 1169
Kazakhstan during Neolithic age
16.08.2013 1824
Kazakhstan in Middle Ages: Turkic Khaganate
14.08.2013 1705
Three monuments of Kazakhstan into UNESCO heritage list
10.08.2013 1043
National Archive of Kazakhstan receives historic manuscripts
10.08.2013 1151
Archeologists claim different date of Turkestan foundation
29.07.2013 1108
Exhibition «Astana - the city of dream»
29.07.2013 1428
Astana is the first successfully implemented a strategic idea of our country - Nursultan Nazarbayev
29.07.2013 1260
Astana celebrates its 15th anniversary
29.07.2013 2367
Astana – capital of Kazakhstan
24.07.2013 2214
Altyn adam (Golden man)
15.07.2013 1609
Bokey Khanate’s establishment