24.07.2014 1198
New discoveries of ancient Taraz city
22.07.2014 1046
Eight historical sites of Kazakhstan included in the UNESCO World Heritage List
22.07.2014 1275
Cultural Walk: House and Museum of Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunaev
18.07.2014 845
Ancient Syganak becomes touristic brand of Kyzylorda region
14.07.2014 1711
"Reconstruction of the quay solved by modest funds"
11.07.2014 980
«Decisive battle for the beautiful»
08.07.2014 862
“It was not easy, but in 1997 we transferred the capital”
05.07.2014 1361
Through the pages of the President’s book “In the heart of Eurasia”
04.07.2014 783
Cultural walk: first residence of N.A. Nazarbayev in Astana
04.07.2014 1277
Tselinograd. Akmola. Astana.Time-travelling
04.07.2014 1433
Astana hosts exhibition of photographs «Native land»: Kazakhs and Indians in the XIX century
03.07.2014 2009
The National Museum of the RK is opening today in Astana
03.07.2014 688
Museum of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
02.07.2014 1228
Project of «Astana in Shukir Shakhay’s camera lens»
02.07.2014 1713
Visiting the Kazakhs of Mongolia