If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

22 years under the banner of Independence

22 years under the banner of Independence   - e-history.kz

In the Republican State Enterprise (RSE) “Gylym Ordasy” held ceremony dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Academics, researchers of institute, also museum and scientific library staff attended the event.

The official part of introductory speech was presented by CEO of RSE “Gylym Ordasy” Roza Karibzhanova.

After congratulation the participants, she said: “More than two decades ago the world map did not know such state as Kazakhstan. And the beginning of our path of independence was very difficult”.

Remembering the difficulties that the country and its people had to face in the first years of independence, R. Karibzhanova said: “In the short term were implemented drastic ways to revive the economy, which helped to improve the financial situation. The reforms that form systems included privatization of state property, development of market infrastructure, introduction of the national currency, formation of tax and budget systems to attract foreign investment. These reforms became the basis of macroeconomic stabilization and growth of the economy”.

R. Karibzhanova highlighted the special role of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev in the development of an independent state.

“Time writes history. And a fantastic example of development of Kazakhstan is a unique page of big book of the world history. It has honored place to our Leader” – said R.Karibzhanova.

After the completion of ceremony was a demonstration of films directed by Rustem Abdrashova “Fiery stream” and “Iron Mountain” tells the story of the President of Kazakhstan, his youth and early work.

These paintings were included in the epic "The Way of the Leader" and were presented to a wide audience on the eve of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan on December 12 this year.

Both films tell about youth of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the formation of his character, the first steps in the long and difficult journey to the heights of power. Almost allof the older generation, after watching it shared their impressions and noticed that "Fiery steam" and "Iron mountain" is primarily addressed to young people, as the paintings has vivid image of the hero, which could be an example to the contemporary "young men that plan their lives".

The Independence Day of Kazakhstan is the main state's holiday. It is celebrated at the same day when the sovereignty of the country was announced. In the current year Kazakhstani people celebrate 22nd anniversary of Independence.

Materials were provided by RSE "Gylym Ordasy"