If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

MOH PK is entrusted to carry out collecting and systematization of foreign historical materials about Kazakhstan


To the Ministry of Education and Science together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assignment is given to investigate all main foreign storages of artifacts for collecting and systematization of the historical materials connected with Kazakhstan.

"We have to pay paramount attention to collecting, systematization and classification of all available for us and abroad a historical material about Kazakhstan", - the State secretary of RK Marat Tazhin told, speaking at meeting of the Interdepartmental working group on studying of national history of Kazakhstan.

"We still have no exact full list of historical materials anyway connected with Kazakhstan - manuscripts, artifacts, others printing and audio-, the video records which are storing in various museums, collections libraries outside Kazakhstan", - it stated.

"Therefore we need to investigate carefully once again all main foreign storages of artifacts. The Ministry of Education created already 7 research groups for this work, it concerns including the contemporary history... For this purpose it is necessary to make the complete list of historical materials across Kazakhstan, being stored abroad", - M. Tazhin noted.

Thus he told that at the first stage of this work all will be involved Kazakhstan diplomatic and consular representations.

Besides, according to the Secretary of State, it is necessary to provide further access of the general public to these artifacts, or their material copies by means of placement in open access in museums, libraries, and also to electronic copies on the Internet.