If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Words which led world religions to mutual understanding

Words which led world religions to mutual understanding - e-history.kz
The world community recognizes uniqueness of Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions.

The 1st congress of leaders of world and traditional religions 

Tsamun Losantszumei Tudantsyuetszinim, the Deputy Chairman of Association of Buddhists of China

"Today’s world is multi-color, and we have to respect a variety and distinction of nationalities, religions and civilizations, to strive for tolerance instead of discrimination, to communication instead of confrontation".

Jonah Metzger, the Chief Rabbi of Israel      

"Hostility, hatred, terror is the things forbidden for religious people when the person appears at dangerous line of kindling of fire, it is necessary to extinguish this fire as the Lord created people not for destroying each other".

Nicholas Baines — the bishop of Croydon

"Politicians very often see communication of the conflicts to the religious reasons though it is superficial ascertaining. This Congress has potential for development of the principle of peaceful co-existence which finally would allow building the conflict-free world".

The 2nd Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions

Sergey Ordzhonikidze — The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

"The UN in every possible way supports the efforts of Kazakhstan directed on strengthening of interreligious dialogue which cannot but affect relationship of the countries in general. Today’s Congress is directed on filling shortage of mutual understanding of various nations and nationalities. The fact that the Congress passes in Kazakhstan is very indicative because the President and the people of Kazakhstan very well realize and understand need of peace and harmony for modern realities".

Abdalla Ben Abdel Muskhsin At-Turki — the General Secretary of the World Islamic league

"The terrorism is the international phenomenon which is closely connected with other types of crime. It is impossible to connect terrorism with these or those people or religions".

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople and Ecumenical

"We have to cooperate and find solutions. All of us — against spirit of hostility. All arising questions we need to learn to be solved only peacefully".

The 3rd Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions

Sergey Ordzhonikidze — the Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations

"The initiative purpose — improvement of the relations, both between people, and between religions and finally between the states. I see how leaders of world religions find a common language among themselves. It is very important because religious people listen to what leaders tell them".

Kjell Bondevik — the Ex-prime minister of Norway, the Head of the Center for the world and human rights.

"The center is interested in interreligious and cross-cultural dialogue. Its purpose, as well as the purpose of the Astana Congress — to prevent the conflicts and to pull together different religions".

Jean-Louis Tauran — the President of Papal council for Interreligious dialogue

"Kazakhstan the harmonious country in which representatives of various nationalities, cultures and religions peacefully coexist. Kazakhstan a striking example of that distinction which not only the reasons for the conflicts, but also to serve mutual enrichment of cultures, traditions and religions". 

The 4th Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions

Jean Chrétien — the Former prime minister of Canada.

"Such dialogue is very important. It has to be directed on mutual understanding. It is correct concerning ensuring freedom of people. All points of view have to conduct to a brotherhood. It is necessary to make the contribution to development of society. Kazakhstan during the reign of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev has an example of forward-looking and wise policy". 

Shlomo Amar — the Chief Rabbi of Israel

"Only on the way of dialogue and a mutual consent various people and cultures will be able to achieve the peace. The president and the people of Kazakhstan succeeded in it, progress of your country in ensuring interfaith consent and tolerance is an example for the whole world. Distinctions between religions are not so important, as mutual understanding and tolerance, ability "to break" interfaith barriers and to overcome calls of the multicultural world. Such opportunity to us is given by a forum in Astana where the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev created the "new UN" which united not only the people, but also religions, cultures and societies with various ideology and outlook seeing creation of the world through dialogue". 

Ban Ki-moon — the UN Secretary General.

"It is pleasant to me to address to participants of the fourth Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions. I consider that Kazakhstan brings together these groups to provide constructive dialogue. We live in hard times — poverty, hunger, diseases, the conflicts and other global threats demand the international answer. As religious leaders, you can help to solve these problems by means of an exchange "from heart to heart" with people of your communities. We can unite to show force in a variety, regardless of what faith adheres the person". 
