If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

A Roundtable meeting "Zhuz khariya, zhuz auyl, the mysteries of ornament, shezhire"

A Roundtable meeting "Zhuz khariya, zhuz auyl, the mysteries of ornament, shezhire" - e-history.kz
A round table meeting “Zhүz қariya, zhүz auyl, the mysteries of shezhire ornament" was held on December 24 at the Institute of History and Ethnology named after S. Walikhanov.

The director of the Institute H.M Abzhanov noted the fact that staff of the Institute done a great job during the expedition. Perhaps, this work will continue in subsequent years. The deputy director of the Institute on the scientific work N.A Atygai reported on the role and significance of the results of the expedition.

The candidate of the historical sciences Z.M Tolenova made a scientific report on the collected expedition materials. The slides on the shezhire materials were presented in the report. The main features of the region, with the help of which we could compose the “Tөr shezhіre” in every family, were established during the expedition. In addition, hunters with the hunting birds were interviewed as a part of the expedition and some previously unknown materials were collected as well.

During the expedition to Kazygurt and Saryagash regions, the candidate of the historical sciences Z.K Nogaeva collected materials about the “holy places”, as well as some information from the elders of the countryside. The interesting information and photos of the "holy places" were presented.

The candidate of the historical sciences K.K Nurumbetova visited the villages in Shieliysk and Kyzylorda regions. She also made a trip to the village of Mustafa Shokay, where the researcher collected information materials about the origins of the Kazakh clans (shezhire). The reporter made a proposal that we should continue to collect materials for the oral history (legends, stories).

The candidate of the historical sciences G.U Orinbayeva introduced the audience with the rich history of the region and the social and economic situation in Maktaaralsk area of South Kazakhstan region.

During the scientific expedition, the junior research assistant G.A Omarova collected the materials from the descendant of S. Datov in the 7th generation as well as other materials.; research assistant M.R Satenova presented material on the history and shezhire that was collected in the Shu and Bayanaul regions.

The research assistant of the Institute N.Y Shetpisbayev presented a valuable material on the history of the Ural region that was collected from the stories of the elders.

The junior research assistant A.A Dzhunisbaev collected the materials on culture and cultural life of the population in the Raiymbek region during the ethnical and cultural expedition.  

To sum up the results of the round table meeting in should be said that, the decision was made on the presented materials, as well the decision to approve all of the existing materials and after an appropriate analysis, they should be sent on the web portal “History of Kazakhstan”. 
