If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Republican training seminar on national history

On December 12, the Institute of State History, the Congress of Kazakh Historians and the Association of Young Historians held The Republican training seminar on national history.

The new vision of the national history and the vastness of the scale of history of Kazakhstan, calls for new approaches in the development of Kazakhstan's historical science in matters of periodization of the history of country. This also implies a broad outreach.

Within the framework of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", the work of theInterdepartmental Commission on the organization of the case studies is aimed at addressing these issues.

The concept of development and the issues of periodization of history of Kazakhstan were examined during the Republican training seminar on national history, which was organized by the Institute of State History, the Congress of Kazakh Historians and the Association of Young Historians on December, 12. The seminar was scheduled in the plan of activities of the Committee of Science of Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan in accordance with the thematic plan of the Presidential Administration to implement the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050".

The moderator of the training seminar is the Director of the Institute of State History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician Bүrkіtbay Ayaғan.

Among the main speakers: Academician Bүrkіtbay Ayaғan; the chairman of the Department of history of Kazakhstan of the Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov, the doctor of historical sciences, professor Nurtaza Abdullayev; professor of the department of history of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, doctor of historical sciences Amanzhol Kүzembayұly; professor of the department of history of Kazakhstan of the Kokshetau State University named after C. Walikhanov, doctor of historical sciences Kadyrzhan Abuev.
