If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Legend of Karaman-Ata settlement

Legend of Karaman-Ata settlement - e-history.kz
This settlement is the only underground mosque of the XIII century, completely located underground

Karaman-Ata monument is located in the central part of Mangystau, it consists of three parts. These are a corridor, prayer hall and globe-shaped room, in which according to legend is a crypt of Karaman-Ata. Legend has it that Karaman-Ata was brother of Shopan-Ata. Once upon a time there was underground road which connected the two mosques, but it failed over time. M. Mendikulov considers the construction of the mosque Karaman-Ata to the XIII century. Abilgazy says Karaman-Ata - one of the beks, who drove the Turkmen from the Balkan to Mangystau. Let's take a closer look at the legend of Karaman-Ata.

Karaman-Ata was one of the three hundred missionaries who came to Mangyshlak to spread Sufism. Legends of different peoples have different information about Karaman-Ata.

The book of M. Mirzoev mentioned Karakalpak legends, which described the one-eyed ogre Karaman, who was tricked and killed by batyrYesim.

In another Karakalpak legend Karaman - an evil and greedy bay, damned for libel and defamation of Khoja Akhmed Yassawi and sheikh turned him to cannibal dog. The name "Karaman" is found in the Turkmen legend: in ancient times the two brothers Akmanand Karaman lived among Turkmen. They were of great respect and esteem among the villagers. Something caused a great quarrel of the brothers with Khoja Yassawi. And the brothers were forced to move with all their tribe-samyrs west in Mangystau. After the death of one of the brothers, necropolis and underground mosquewas erectedarrow-10x10.png.

And other information of the middle of the XIX century "Aday legendsof the saints, lived and died in Mangyshlak" was preserved. In these legends Karaman-Ata was the son of Ihsan (Esen-Ata) and grandson of Chopan Ata (Shopan-Ata). He was all over like his grandfather, worked many miracles, and built a mosque in a day's journey from the grave of Shopan-ata. After the death Karaman-Ata was buried near the mosque. However, where it is still unknown. The mosque Karaman-Ata is highly revered. All from whom the pure oath is required, swear there naming their saints. It happened that false sworn naming Karaman-Ata died immediately, and their generation wouldsoon cease to exist. Nowadays survived the local people legendthat once, between the two clans, that roamed on Mangyshlak, there was a dispute on one very importantarrow-10x10.png matter. To resolve the dispute a hundred people from each side agreed to take the oath at the grave of Karaman-Ata. One side, that was wrong, took the oath, too. After perjury,the participants of wrong side attempted to move a hundred paces from the curse of the place, and ride horses to go home. Suddenly they heard the thunder, like a gun shot. Their faces were darkened, and a hundred fell dead off horses.

The most famous in people following legend: once argued among themselves Turkmen and Kazakh people. In order to end the dispute in peace, they decided to get Becket-ata involved in it. Becket-ata offered to make the dispute at the grave of Karaman-Ata. From this case, we can conclude what a sacred place occurred to be the grave Karaman-Ata.

Currently, the bulk of the graveKaraman-Ata is fenced. The area of ​​the grave is 4 hectares. On the southwestern slope of the grave are located tombstones without barriers related to VIII-IX centuries.Their number - 40 pieces.The total area of ​​protected territory - 7.2 hectares. Currently Karaman-Ata monument is protected by law as a cultural heritage including historical monuments.


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