If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1910 "Bagbustan Khanym" women school was opened in Orenburg

Birthday of the first Kazakh cosmonaut Aubakirov Toktar Ongarbayevich

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Birthday of Nurmakhan Zhanturin (1928-1990)

Birthday of Nurmakhan Zhanturin (1928-1990) - e-history.kz
Nurmahan Zhanturin was the People’s artist of Kazakhstan. He was born in Atyrau region, graduated Drama faculty of Theatre and Art Institute. Work experience: In 1952-1967 and from 1988 the actor of the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theatre named after M. Auezov. In 1967-1988, he worked at the studio “Kazakhfilm”. He created vivid images in film and on stage. He performed the role of Shokan in the theater (“Shokan Ualikhanov” by S. Mukanov), Kodara (“Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu” by G. Musrepov), Kebek and Syrym (“Enlik-Bekek” and “Karakoz” by M. Auezov), Arman (“Odno derevo – na les” (“One tree on forest”) by A. Tazhibayeva), Kaben (“Neugasimyi ogon” (“Unquenchable fire” by Z. Kabdolov), Sanzhan (“Nesmeshnaiya komediya” (“Unfunny comedy” by A. Tarazi), Doctor (“Vsemi zabytyi” (“Forgotten by everyone”) by N. Hikhmet), Sintaro (“Sudba zhenshiny” (“Woman’s fate”) by M. Kaoru), Moliere (“Kabala Svyatosh” (“The Cabal of Hypocrites” by M. Bulgakov). He became famous due to his performance of the role of classical repertoire: Iago and Macbeth in “Othello” and “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare. He appeared in more than 30 films. The first part is the Boy-Chukchi Tumatug in the movie “Alitet uhodit v gory” (“Aliter goes to the mountains”) (the novel of T. Semushkina). Roles: Kerim, Zhomart (“Doch stepei” (“Daughter of the Steppes”), “Saltanat” (“Saltanat”); Alzhanov (“Na dikom beregu Irtysha” (“On the wild shore of Irtysh”); Aubakir, Tagai (“Znoy” (“Heat”), “Dzhura” “Jura”); Tanabay (“Beg inohodca” (“Run of the pacer”); Kurmangazy (“Kurmangazy”); Sapar, Shal (in the television movies “Kolodec Sapara” (“The well of Sapar”) and “Starik, dogonyaiushii ten” (“Old man chasing a shadow”), etc In the film “Ego vremya pridet” (director M. Begalin) for the first time created the image of Shokan Ualikhanov.