If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of Yermukhan Bekmakhanov - the first Kazakh - Doctor of Historical Sciences

The Day of remembrance of soldiers-internationalists

Birthday of Shaken Aimanov

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In 1928 was born People’s Artist of the USSR Roza Dzhamanova

In 1928 was born People’s Artist of the USSR Roza Dzhamanova - e-history.kz
She was the laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1972). R. Dzhamanova graduated school in Uralsk and then in 1949 music school in oboe and vocals. She studied at Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in the class of the Professor M. Kurganova. Since 1953 was the soloist of the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abay Kunanbayev. She created a number of musical and scenic images like Sarah (“Birzhan and Sarah” by Tulebayev), Azhar (“Abay” by Zhubanov and Hamidi), Nazugum (“Nazugum” by Kuzhamyarova), Kamar (“Kamar sulu” by Rakhmadiyeva), Tatiana (“Eugene Onegin” by Tchaikovsky), Margarita (“Faust” by Gounod) etc. Roza Dzhamanova was the winner of patrons award “Tarlan”.