If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

75 years ago was born Sagyndyk Kozhamseitov Usenuly

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75 years ago was born Sagyndyk Kozhamseitov Usenuly

S.Kozhamseitov led organizing Committee for the historical and ethnographic expedition on Small Silk Road Otyrar-Ulitau. He participated in gathering materials and perpetuates the memory of outstanding zhyrau-akyns (poet) Shortanbay Kanayuly, Shashubay Koshkarbayuly, kobyzshy (musician on Kazakh string instrument) Ykylas Dukenuly and kuishi (musician of Kazakh folk instrumental play) Saidaly Sary Toka. After the abolition of Zhezkazgan region was appointed director of the State Archives of Zhezkazgan. Since 2009 he has held this position. Under his leadership were organized scientific and ethnographic expedition to the places of victorious battle of Kazakhs and Zhungar invaders near rivers Bileuti Bulanty of Ulytau district. The special fund of “The history of Ulytau in Kazakh genealogy” was opened. His articles like “The voice of orphans”, “My soul is sacrifice of my conscience”, “Theatre is the voice of spiritual helplessness” and “Invite to attend the memorials” raised the big resonance. He is the author of books like “Zhezkazgan copper Magnitogorsk”, “Strong translator”, “Zhezkazgan: December-86” and “Our heritage - land, honesty, clear conscience”. He was awarded with “Sign of Honor”, medals, diplomas of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhezkazgan Regional Council of People’s Deputies and regional council.