If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1911 was born the Doctor of Historical Science, Professor Shoynbayev Tleukazhy

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In 2002 the Second World Kurultay of Kazakhs took place in Turkestan

In 2002 the Second World Kurultay of Kazakhs took place in Turkestan - e-history.kz
The Kurultay was attended by more than 500 delegates from 36 world states, including the PRC, USA, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and other states. Opening of 11 large objects constructed in Turkestan was organized in conjunction with the Kurultai, including new building of the Kazakh-Turkish University, the Symbol of Kurultay monument, the Tay-Kazan fountain kept in the Mausoleum of Khodja Ahmet Yassawi, the Sara new medical center, center of arts, House of actor, sports center, and Daryn school.