If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

23 years ago was the first international symposium on "Music of the Turkic peoples"

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In 2009 exposition complex named after Abylaykhan was opened in the Burabay State park

In 2009 exposition complex named after Abylaykhan was opened in the Burabay State park - e-history.kz
In 2009 exposition complex named after Abylaykhan was opened in the Burabay State park by the initiative of the Nur Otan People’s Democratic Party and the Office of the President. The territory of the museum located at Abylaykhan Square is 288 square meters. According to historical data, that was the place where Abylaykhan received ambassadors of Chinese and Bukhara Khanates and other states; that was the site where the Shandy Zhoryk famous battle took place. Sculptural compositions of the museum are the attempt to reconstruct the events of that period. The project is implemented with the aim to preserve historical heritage, popularization of Kazakh history and tourism development.