March 25, 1891 the Russian Empire adopted the following Law — “Management Regulations, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensk, Turgay and Ural regions”. According to a document most of the land in these regions becomes the property of the Russian State. The local people were allowed unlimited usage of them. Turgay region remained with the same four counties, but with some change of borders. Counties were divided into townships and parish administrative villages, consisting of 100-200 of the owners of vans. Transfer from village to village or from district to district implementing with the knowledge and permission of elders of village and rulers of the township. According to the "Regulations" in 1891, the right to change the boundaries of townships belonged to the Regional Board. Only the Ministry of the Interior with the permission of the Governor-General could change the borders of the regions and countries. This situation existed until 1917.
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