If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1910 "Bagbustan Khanym" women school was opened in Orenburg

Birthday of the first Kazakh cosmonaut Aubakirov Toktar Ongarbayevich

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In 2006 N. Nazarbayev addressed to the people following the message: ”The strategy of entry of Kazakhstan into the 50 most competitive countries of the world"

In 2006 N. Nazarbayev addressed to the people following the message: ”The strategy of entry of Kazakhstan into the 50 most competitive countries of the world" - e-history.kz
Now Kazakhstan is at the turn of a new stage of socio - economic modernization and political democratization. My understanding of the main components that allow us to pretend a place in the group of countries belonging to the top of world rankings table is as follows. First, the foundation of a prosperous and dynamically developing society can only be a modern, competitive and open market economy which is not limited in the scope of the commodity sector. It is an economy based on the respect and protection of private property and contractual relations, initiative and entrepreneurship of all members of the society. Secondly, we are building a socially-oriented community which is surrounded by care and attention of older people, mothers and children, youth, the society that provides high quality and advanced social standards of life for all segments of the population. Third, we are building a free, open and democratic society. Fourth, we are consistently creating and strengthening rule-of-law state based on balanced political system of controls and counterbalances. Fifth, we guarantee and ensure the complete equality of all religions and religious harmony in Kazakhstan. We respect and develop the best traditions of Islam and other world and traditional religions, but building a modern secular state. Sixth, we maintain and develop the centuries-old traditions, language and culture of the Kazakh people, while providing interethnic and intercultural harmony, progress of the united people of Kazakhstan. Seventh, and this is one of our highest priorities, we consider our country as a full and responsible member of the international community, where Kazakhstan performs important functions of maintaining geopolitical stability and security in the region. Today, addressing to you, dear people of Kazakhstan with my annual message, I would like to introduce the main priorities of entry of Kazakhstan into the most competitive and dynamically developing countries of the world.