Photo gallery
24.12.2013 466
The premiere of the historical drama "Dreams of Abylaikhan
12.12.2013 425
The national training workshop on national history
25.10.2013 454
The second Сongress of historians of Kazakhstan
10.10.2013 523
Gallery of unique documents from funds of the Central state archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan
08.10.2013 441
Photographs from the archives of Films and Sound Recordings
05.10.2013 441
The Celebration of the 300th anniversary of Abylaikhan
27.09.2013 464
The scientific researches of Kostanay archeological laboratory
23.09.2013 505
Illustrations for the book "The History of Kazakhstan" by G. Kahn (Almaty-kitap)
31.08.2013 519
Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology. AH Margulan
28.08.2013 548
Almaty - city of flowers
27.08.2013 542
Вronze Age
27.08.2013 490
Petroglyphs. Kulzhabasy. Zhetisu. The Bronze Age
27.08.2013 689
Petroglyphs Bayanzhүrek.
25.08.2013 441
Ceramic from the Bath in Ekpindy
23.08.2013 502
Ciric Rabad archaeological expedition