Photo gallery
29.07.2014 424
Museum of Turkic Academy
22.07.2014 717
House-museum of Dinmukhamed Kunaev
17.07.2014 628
Kanysh Satpayev
04.07.2014 587
First residence of Nursultan Nazarbayev in Astana
03.07.2014 610
National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
03.07.2014 493
Documentary exhibition to the 20th anniversary of the idea to trasfer the capital of Kazakhstan
30.06.2014 486
Photo archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
25.06.2014 503
One day with the archaeologist
24.06.2014 459
Museum of Internal Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan
15.06.2014 461
Walk to the Museum of the Medical University in Astana
11.06.2014 440
Chronicle of the stage
05.06.2014 559
Cultural Walk: The Museum of history of Turkic writing
28.05.2014 521
Museum of of ALZHIR
23.05.2014 581
Cultural Walk: L.N. Gumilyov' s Museum
15.05.2014 683
Exhibition of Berik Alibay