06.03.2015 1559
International Conference devote to 20th anniversary of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan will be held at Eurasian National University (ENU)
06.03.2015 2950
Women that left trace in the history of Kazakhstan
05.03.2015 1000
National Museum presents exhibits from Karaganda region
05.03.2015 1489
Cultural walk: Zhambyl Zhabaev Memorial Literature Museum
05.03.2015 900
“Azhar — fine faces of history" exhibition was opened in Astana
04.03.2015 1416
A Series of Charity Concerts "All Time Classics"
04.03.2015 647
Astana hosts the International Competition for Artists
04.03.2015 1447
The story of one photo. Aleksandr Shelestov
04.03.2015 1745
The largest genealogical scheme of Genghis Khan’s descendants
03.03.2015 1778
Ancient capitals of Kazakhstan
03.03.2015 1498
The five-volume book devoted to the 170th anniversary of Abay was presented in East Kazakhstan
02.03.2015 653
Astana hosts the exhibition “Azhar – beautiful faces of the history”
01.03.2015 1997
Lithuanians of Kazakhstan
01.03.2015 1408
The history of Polish diaspora in Kazakhstan
27.02.2015 1575
Infographics: Kazakhstan’s Сontribution to Victory in the Great Patriotic War