08.07.2015 734
The Kuralai Puppet Theatre International Festival
07.07.2015 1343
The Astana-Arkau Turkic Music Festival
07.07.2015 1646
The Millennium around Astana Festival dedicated to the civilisation of nomads
03.07.2015 1525
Alibi Dzhangildin, the first Kazakh to travel around the world
03.07.2015 1085
The Yegemen Kazakhstan Newspaper. Keeping pace with the modern realities
02.07.2015 1446
The Virgin Lands Programme: ups and downs. Photos of that time
02.07.2015 887
The book “Creator. Nursultan Nazarbayev: View from Russia” presented in Moscow
01.07.2015 854
The path of the author of the National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
01.07.2015 3514
Cultural Walk: Museum of Kokshetau’s History
18.06.2015 1438
Archive of the President of Kazakhstan reveals the secrets of history
18.06.2015 1293
Presentation of Yevgeniy Kochetov’s book “Words that changed Kazakhstan”
17.06.2015 872
Sad destiny of Saken Seyfullin’s son – Ayan
16.06.2015 903
History through the eyes of tourist: Altay’s culture – priceless heritage
16.06.2015 1117
Trade fair “Oner Fest”
16.06.2015 1879
Pride to be the first graduates of Nazarbayev University