16.10.2015 1095
100 years to uprising of 1916
16.10.2015 1501
“Uly Dala eli” expedition at the mound of the Sakas
16.10.2015 1292
The conference devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate is being held in Europe
16.10.2015 843
“Uly dala eli” in East Kazakhstan region
15.10.2015 956
The caravan from Xian arrived in Taraz
15.10.2015 1208
The wrestlers of Kazakhstan are twice winners of the International tournament “Eurasia barysy”
15.10.2015 1364
The meeting of the Eurasian club of young historians “In common historical space”
15.10.2015 1252
“Kily zhol” historical staging was held
14.10.2015 1136
Abay’s world
14.10.2015 1500
Exhibition “Jewelry art”
13.10.2015 863
“Kazak alemi”. Ethnic village under the open sky
13.10.2015 628
Gifts to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate
13.10.2015 1069
The Head of the State N.A.Nazarbayev has attended an opening of the archaeological park
12.10.2015 1038
The premiere of the historic drama “Kazaktar”
12.10.2015 1681
The moto expedition devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate