02.06.2016 677
Presentation of the book about the statehood of Kazakhstan
02.06.2016 1651
Exhibition “Alma” dedicated to the main symbol of Almaty city
02.06.2016 1424
Sensational finds from the necropolises Shilikti and Kyrykungir returned to EKR
02.06.2016 2050
Combat headgear of ancient and medieval nomads of Kazakhstan
01.06.2016 1175
Personalities in history: North Kazakhstan
01.06.2016 969
The conference called “History and heritage in the poetry of O.Suleimenov” was held in National museum
01.06.2016 1655
Artists-prisoners of Karlag
01.06.2016 798
Presentation of the work “Kazaktyn otty karularynyn tarikhy”
01.06.2016 1623
Round table dedicated to Political Repression Victims’ Commemoration Day
01.06.2016 1309
Unique documents are presented at the National Archive RK
20.05.2016 1088
Notes on three brothers' life
20.05.2016 1439
Notes on three brothers' life
20.05.2016 1129
Heroes of labour – residents of North Kazakhstan
20.05.2016 1731
Architecture in Petropavlovsk: historical approach
19.05.2016 1608
In honor of the 100th anniversary since the birthday of Kobikov Khamit: on his son’s tales