03.01.2017 789
Unknown Kazakhstan
02.01.2017 1253
Independence is destiny
01.01.2017 1137
Nursultan Nazarbayev became the laureate of international prize
31.12.2016 1252
History in currency notes
30.12.2016 1415
Round table based on the results of the State program “People in the flow of history”
30.12.2016 1211
The citizens of 83 countries to visit Kazakhstan without visas since 2017 All rights reserved. Any use of the materials published on for any purpose except personal needs is possible only with placing a hyperlink to the primeminister.
30.12.2016 1079
Parliament adopted more than 100 laws to implement National Plan All rights reserved. Any use of the materials published on for any purpose except personal needs is possible only with placing a hyperlink to the website
30.12.2016 1411
Kazakhstan new Foreign Ministry is appointed
29.12.2016 1895
“Looking West” Kanat Auesbay
28.12.2016 1615
The image of legendary Keiki batyr
27.12.2016 1357
Right for good memory
26.12.2016 1126
In Astana was presented the collection on December events in Kazakhstan
23.12.2016 1841
The rare edition of the book “Abay’s way” in Hungarian was found
22.12.2016 1020
A Hungarian girl takes an interest in traditions and way of life of Kipchaks
22.12.2016 1207
On what means do historians live? Research Associate