12.03.2014 609
On March 7 was held the round table discussion on “Newspaper “Dala ualiyaty (Steppe vilayaet) and history of Kazakhstan”
06.03.2014 1551
For the anniversary of Abylkhan Kasteev
06.03.2014 734
Astana hosted an exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Virgin Lands
05.03.2014 920
Human remains were found in Atyrau by oil workers
01.03.2014 1108
The XXIII oblast scientific-practical conference was held in Almaty oblast
26.02.2014 1362
The book “Dіn men Dastur” ("Religion and tradition") was presented in Almaty.
26.02.2014 1840
"Uly dala dubіrі" an amazing historical example
25.02.2014 793
A Roundtable meeting on "Nevada-Semipalatinsk: history and lessons"
25.02.2014 1637
Kyzylorda can become the center of revival of Türcology in Kazakhstan
24.02.2014 1371
A five-volume edition of "Kazakh oneri" will be preseted in Astana
23.02.2014 1131
The premiere of performance "Centaurs of Turan" was held in Taraz
21.02.2014 1237
The exhibition of restored museum exhibits - "Revitalize and Preserve"
21.02.2014 570
Presentation of edition of 100-volume series of Kazakh folklore "Babalar sozi" was held in Astana
20.02.2014 1063
Presentation of edition of 100-volume series of Kazakh folklore "Babalar sozi"
19.02.2014 1111
Contest for the best essay on the topic "Kazakhstan in the Great Patriotic War"