Presentation of monograph “Honor and duty”
12.05.2015 1724
On May 5 the presentation of collective monograph “Honor and duty” was held in National academic library of Kazakhstan.

In the ceremony of presentation collective monograph "Honor and duty", which was held in May 5, 2015 in National academic library of Kazakhstan, participated deputies of Parliament of Kazakhstan, public figures, scientist, lectures and teachers of history of schools of Astana. The content of the book was introduced during presentation, at the same time importance of the work was also discussed.

The moderator of the event was Amangeldy Kashkymbayev, the deputy director of Institute of history of state. Historians and authors of the monograph made a speech at meeting, they are: Gani Karasayev, head of one of departments of Institute of history of state, Doctor of Historical science and Professor; Anara Gabdullina, scientific secretary of this Institute, Candidate of Historical science; Nikolay Lapin, head of one of the departments of Institute and Candidate of Historical science; Ziyabek Kabuldinov, Doctor of Historical science and Professor at Eurasian National University (ENU) named after L. Gumilyov; Petr Tokar director of Ukrainian center of science and culture at Embassy of Ukraine in Kazakhstan, the invited professor at ENU and Candidate of Historical Science.

As it was informed earlier, the aim of the preparation and writing of this book was presentation of the war as it was in reality. It was made by use of a wide range of sources — from contemporary records to memoirs literature of both Soviet and German generals and marshals, scientific researchers of politicians and diplomats.The group of authors of Institute of history of the state tried to give a complete picture of participation of Kazakhstan citizens since the beginning of war before its end on the Tokyo military court. The most important events of World War II and the Great Patriotic War from 1939 to 1945 are described in the book.

The majority of photos are graphic and factual material, they introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The structure of the book elected by scientists describes the course of events by years and allows the reader to track all chronology of battles. 

"This monograph is not just a collection of facts. Researches and general conclusions of group of scientists are given in the work. The destiny of moved people and heroism of people who served in rear is shown here. We, ourselves got this book for the first time. In the future, this work can be found in libraries of all scientific institutions and specialized bookstores" — said Nikolay Lapin, the head of one of departments of Institute of History of state.

Ceremony of presentation of the book is concluded by the director of Institute of History of state, Doctor of Historical science, Professor, executive editor of monograph — Burkitaby Ayagan. He noted that historical research will be supplemented and the book will be continued.