Director of the Institute of History of State publicly reported
22.02.2017 1106
For the first time National Digital History portal publishes a public report of the head of the Institute of History of State.

17 February, 2017 at the House of Ministries was held a public report of the director of the Institute of History of State MES RK, Doctor of History, and Professor Burkitbay Ayagan for 2016 to the scientific community.

The reporting meeting was attended by members of the trade unions and private associations, university professors, doctoral students and undergraduates. Among them were Professors of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov G.I. Iskakova, Z.E. Kabuldinov, Chairman of the Republican Association of Young Historians R.A. Kudaibergenov, trade union of Astana Akimat, O.S. Suleimenov, Editor of the web portal National Digital History Suleimenov A.M., History teacher of KazATC named after M. Tynyshpayev G.H. Kalel, doctoral students of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov Akanov K., D. Zhumanbayev and researchers of the Institute of History of State MES RK.

The Director and Professor B.G. Ayagan reported in detail on the results of the 2016 academic year activities and tasks set for 2017. The report was accompanied by a presentation on the results of the Institute of History of State activity, prepared by the academic secretary, candidate of historical sciences A.Zh. Gabdullina.

SI "Institute of history of state," the Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in the light of the execution of orders of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 5, 2008 № 416.

Goal and Objectives of the Institute

The goal of the Institute - scientific and analytical understanding of the process of creating an independent state, the formation of public and historical consciousness, as well as theoretical basis of the history of modern Kazakhstan.

Tasks of the Institute:

- The formation in modern society state and historical consciousness, responsible strategy of the state and aimed at creating conditions for the development of the nation;

- Analysis of the historical and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people in the context of strengthening the state independence;

- Development of theoretical problems of the history at the level of the global social and humanitarian sciences;

- Use of the achievements of modern historical and social sciences and humanities in the interests of the formation of patriotism;

- Development of theoretical and methodological principles of the study of modern history.

By the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Director of SI "Institute of History of State" was appointed doctor of historical sciences, professor, and member of the National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.G. Ayagan.

Funding for the Institute is carried out entirely at the expense of budgetary funds. For 2016 it was planned 102 497, 0 thousand tenge; completed - 102 260, 7 thousand tenge (99, 7%). Extra-budgetary funds for 2016 were not.

SI "Institute of History of State" CS MES RK consists of four academic departments: Scientific Information; national history; source study and historiography; industrial-innovative development and ethno-social processes; Eurasianism and Comparative Political Studies. A team made 6 basic and 4 applied research projects funded under the program 217 "Development of Science" sub-program 101 "Program-oriented funding subjects of scientific and / or technical activity", with implementation in the 2015-2017 period. Topics of existing projects are relevant to topics of research projects aimed at implementing the priorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan President's Address "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050" - a new policy of established state" and cover the key issues of the scope of internal and external policy of Kazakhstan.

Publication activity

As of 2016 were published 218 books and other publications. It includes:

-The collection of documents and materials – 1

-Electronic textbook – 1

-Scientific and popular publications – 4

-The Scientific Journal "Memleket tarikhy. The history of the state"- 4

-The materials of scientific conferences – 3

-Publications in the framework of basic and applied researches – 55

-Articles in scientific journals – 22 including:

-In editions recommended CCSES MES RK – 20

-In foreign top-rated publications – 2

-Publications in international and national conferences – 41

-Publications in mass media - 65

Socially significant events

Scientists participated in a number of conferences of national and international level. Among them are:

1. Participation in the organization and conduct of the republican scientific-practical conference "Kazakhstan's way of formation and development of statehood: the results, achievements and perspectives" - 14 January, 2016.

2. Participation in the organization and holding of a round table devoted to the 150th anniversary of A. Bokeykhan "Alikhan Bokeykhanuly - Tauelsizdik zharshysy" - May 19, 2016.

3. The organization and carrying out of international scientific-practical conference "Kazakhstan Respublikasy Tauelsіzdіgіnіn 25 Zhyldygy: tabysty memleket, tabysty el" - June 2, 2016.

4. The organization and carrying out of international scientific-practical conference "Birlik pen zhasampazdyktyn 25 zhyly" - December 8, 2016.

The team of scientists of the Institute of History of State with foreign scientists after the scientific conference. Astana, December 9, 2016

Objectives for 2017

Ongoing research projects at the Institute have clear access to the practical implementation and innovation in 2017; the expected results of investigations have social, economic, socio-political and socio-cultural impact and demand in society. They meet the needs of the state and society, resulting from the tasks set by the Head of State in the President's Message to the people of Kazakhstan "The third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness."

Scientists prepared a new research and development: 3-volume scientific edition of "Modern Kazakhstan", monographs and a collection of documents and materials.

Upon completion of the planned research is provided preparation of the reports on the research work and the output of the following products:

Scientific publication "Modern Kazakhstan" in 3 volumes;

Collection of documents and materials "Ulttyk economy - muragat kuzhattarynda (Tauelsizdik kezenі)";

Auxiliary manual "Astana - new capital (historical aspects) - Astana - Zhana kala (Tarikhi aspektіlerі)"

However, the scientists of the Institute will prepare the initiative publications: Monograph "Kenestіk Kazakhstannyn lenindіk kezenіnіn zhekelegen tarikhynan"; scientific and educational research "Kazakhstan Tarikhy: aymaktar, kezender, Tarikhi tulgalar".

Ongoing research projects are focused on the execution of tasks to ensure a qualitative leap of history, renovation methodology, expand the source base and research tools in accordance with the trend of historical science and in general socio-humanitarian knowledge in the world.

In a public report to the head, Professor B. Ayagan questions were asked. G.I. Iskakova, PhD, Professor of the faculty "History of Kazakhstan" ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov offered to start a scientific cooperation with the department "History of Kazakhstan", in particular, suggested the writing of joint scientific works.

The discussion was attended by leading scientists: Nurpeisov E.K., Ph.D. Ilyasova K.M., PhD Duysen S.Zh. and others.

At the end of the meeting the public report of the Institute of History of State SC MES RK Director, Doctor of History, and Professor Burkitbay Ayagan was considered satisfactory, and was approved unanimously.



Academic secretary of the Institute of History of State

Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA

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